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  1. Like
    OffRoaderX got a reaction from marcspaz in I'm trying to add a repeater, but icon won't let me drag it to location.   
    Contrary to incorrect information posted here, there is no place to enter a latitude and longitude and entering a lat/long in the search does not appear to work - you drag the marker to the correct location, as indicated by the instructions on the page. 
    If the dragging isn't working, try a different web-browser or a different computer. 
  2. Like
    OffRoaderX got a reaction from K3MRK in Wouxun base station   
    I have learned that anyone that calls something "junk", or worse, "cheap Chinese junk!!" without ever even using the device is an idiot, and should be ignored.
    I have several Wouxun radios, including multiple KG1000Gs, and I have many friends that also have them.  The radios aren't perfect, and there is always a chance of getting a dud, but assuming you purchase it from BuyTwoWayRadio, they have great support and will always take care of you.
    The KG1000G is my favorite high-power Part 95 mobile radio, I dont care what the "expert" radio-bigots say.
  3. Like
    OffRoaderX got a reaction from Sab02r in Home made/own GMRS Repeater   
    I've had 3 different repeaters over the last two years:
    DIY 2 KG-1000Gs Retevis RT97 Vertex VXR-7000 All using the same ~$120 Tram 1486 base antenna and 75 feet of LMR400 coax
    The two KG-1000Gs was the most expensive (~$875) and had the most power - but it was also the most unwieldy and issue-prone The RT97 was a much more compact package, and was the least expensive (~$400), but only output about 4-5watts after the duplexer and has a limited duty-cycle The  Vertex VXR-7000 (what I currently use) is by far the best solution. I paid $500 for mine (used), it puts out ~25 watts after the duplexer and it can be used 24/7 (100% duty cycle) - But because of its age its a bit of a pain to program/get set up.   My recommendation, based on my experience, would be to try and get a good used commercial repeater (like the VXR-7000) OR an RT97.   Next month another company will be releasing a new GMRS repeater very similar to the RT97 but easier to configure -  but i'm not allowed to talk about that yet.. So you might want to wait and see if that one works better for your needs.
  4. Like
    OffRoaderX got a reaction from WRPK937 in Is the Baofeng GMRS-9R the fully fixed version of the Baofeng UV-9G?   
    Straight from the horses-ass...Erhh.. MOUTH..
    #3 - The GMRS-9R (mine at least) does not come with a programming cable -So... problem solved!
    #5 - The software for the GMRS-9R is in .RAR (not really a big deal).. I just use CHIRP - problem solved!
    #6 - The # button only changes power level when in VFO mode.. You get the "screw-you" tone in channel mode
    #8 - Fixed! Both the Abbree flexible antenna (with a huge base) and the Nagoya 771 fit
  5. Like
    OffRoaderX got a reaction from FreqieRadio in Another digital post.   
    There are also people like you and me rolling through stop-signs every night, which might be a better comparison. To compare breaking an FCC rule to murder is absurd and something only a true "sad HAM" would say.
    So.. Congratulations.
  6. Haha
    OffRoaderX reacted to back4more70 in Opinion on BTech GMRS Pro   
    Maybe he uses the GMRS Pro to prop up his HAM HT so it doesn't tip over?
  7. Thanks
    OffRoaderX got a reaction from WRQC626 in Home made/own GMRS Repeater   
    I've had 3 different repeaters over the last two years:
    DIY 2 KG-1000Gs Retevis RT97 Vertex VXR-7000 All using the same ~$120 Tram 1486 base antenna and 75 feet of LMR400 coax
    The two KG-1000Gs was the most expensive (~$875) and had the most power - but it was also the most unwieldy and issue-prone The RT97 was a much more compact package, and was the least expensive (~$400), but only output about 4-5watts after the duplexer and has a limited duty-cycle The  Vertex VXR-7000 (what I currently use) is by far the best solution. I paid $500 for mine (used), it puts out ~25 watts after the duplexer and it can be used 24/7 (100% duty cycle) - But because of its age its a bit of a pain to program/get set up.   My recommendation, based on my experience, would be to try and get a good used commercial repeater (like the VXR-7000) OR an RT97.   Next month another company will be releasing a new GMRS repeater very similar to the RT97 but easier to configure -  but i'm not allowed to talk about that yet.. So you might want to wait and see if that one works better for your needs.
  8. Like
    OffRoaderX got a reaction from TheLostMedic in Home made/own GMRS Repeater   
    I put Kaf6045 on my "3rd-grade hall monitor block list" a long time ago so i dont know what he posted, but, It is important to know the rules.. It is also important to understand the risks and what happens in the real world..
    The head of your GMRS group is correct, it is no more of an issue than rolling through a stop-sign is an issue, as the FCC, based on their published record of enforcement, does not care.
  9. Like
    OffRoaderX got a reaction from TheNevilleKid in Home made/own GMRS Repeater   
    I've had 3 different repeaters over the last two years:
    DIY 2 KG-1000Gs Retevis RT97 Vertex VXR-7000 All using the same ~$120 Tram 1486 base antenna and 75 feet of LMR400 coax
    The two KG-1000Gs was the most expensive (~$875) and had the most power - but it was also the most unwieldy and issue-prone The RT97 was a much more compact package, and was the least expensive (~$400), but only output about 4-5watts after the duplexer and has a limited duty-cycle The  Vertex VXR-7000 (what I currently use) is by far the best solution. I paid $500 for mine (used), it puts out ~25 watts after the duplexer and it can be used 24/7 (100% duty cycle) - But because of its age its a bit of a pain to program/get set up.   My recommendation, based on my experience, would be to try and get a good used commercial repeater (like the VXR-7000) OR an RT97.   Next month another company will be releasing a new GMRS repeater very similar to the RT97 but easier to configure -  but i'm not allowed to talk about that yet.. So you might want to wait and see if that one works better for your needs.
  10. Like
    OffRoaderX got a reaction from rnavarro in Why More Power Isn't Your Best Option - My Opinion   
    Great post!
    Is not more power also helpful in penetrating objects like walls, and bouncing the signal through canyons, etc, for example when off-roading?
  11. Like
    OffRoaderX got a reaction from Cracked in Home made/own GMRS Repeater   
    I've had 3 different repeaters over the last two years:
    DIY 2 KG-1000Gs Retevis RT97 Vertex VXR-7000 All using the same ~$120 Tram 1486 base antenna and 75 feet of LMR400 coax
    The two KG-1000Gs was the most expensive (~$875) and had the most power - but it was also the most unwieldy and issue-prone The RT97 was a much more compact package, and was the least expensive (~$400), but only output about 4-5watts after the duplexer and has a limited duty-cycle The  Vertex VXR-7000 (what I currently use) is by far the best solution. I paid $500 for mine (used), it puts out ~25 watts after the duplexer and it can be used 24/7 (100% duty cycle) - But because of its age its a bit of a pain to program/get set up.   My recommendation, based on my experience, would be to try and get a good used commercial repeater (like the VXR-7000) OR an RT97.   Next month another company will be releasing a new GMRS repeater very similar to the RT97 but easier to configure -  but i'm not allowed to talk about that yet.. So you might want to wait and see if that one works better for your needs.
  12. Like
    OffRoaderX got a reaction from Sab02r in Salton Sea to get federal drought funds - Hurrah to OffroaderX!   
    For those wondering, I have two (main) videos about Salton Sea:

    1) My walk around the (California's largest) lake in summer temps of 120°F (hour long documentary) :
    2: What the U.S. military left behind at the bottom of Salton Sea (30 minute long documentary):
  13. Like
    OffRoaderX got a reaction from WRXB215 in Programming Radios on Windows 11 on ARM (Windows 11 On M1 Silicon Mac)   
    That is not a solution, nor an answer to my question.
    Quick update for anyone following along: I've got most of the different manufacturer's software to run and after finding an installing the Si CP-210X ARM(64) driver for my (red Wouxun) cable(s) I am able to read and write all radios EXCEPT for my Motorola XTS2500, XTS5000, & XTL5000 - they need an FTDI ARM(64) driver that I have not yet been able to find/get working.
  14. Like
    OffRoaderX got a reaction from WRQK823 in Home made/own GMRS Repeater   
    I've had 3 different repeaters over the last two years:
    DIY 2 KG-1000Gs Retevis RT97 Vertex VXR-7000 All using the same ~$120 Tram 1486 base antenna and 75 feet of LMR400 coax
    The two KG-1000Gs was the most expensive (~$875) and had the most power - but it was also the most unwieldy and issue-prone The RT97 was a much more compact package, and was the least expensive (~$400), but only output about 4-5watts after the duplexer and has a limited duty-cycle The  Vertex VXR-7000 (what I currently use) is by far the best solution. I paid $500 for mine (used), it puts out ~25 watts after the duplexer and it can be used 24/7 (100% duty cycle) - But because of its age its a bit of a pain to program/get set up.   My recommendation, based on my experience, would be to try and get a good used commercial repeater (like the VXR-7000) OR an RT97.   Next month another company will be releasing a new GMRS repeater very similar to the RT97 but easier to configure -  but i'm not allowed to talk about that yet.. So you might want to wait and see if that one works better for your needs.
  15. Like
    OffRoaderX got a reaction from DeoVindice in Another digital post.   
    There are also people like you and me rolling through stop-signs every night, which might be a better comparison. To compare breaking an FCC rule to murder is absurd and something only a true "sad HAM" would say.
    So.. Congratulations.
  16. Haha
    OffRoaderX got a reaction from WRQK823 in Anyone with an XTL5000 ?   
    I ain't got no fancy IR ther-mom-eater !
  17. Like
    OffRoaderX got a reaction from WRXB215 in Fixed station - what does that mean to FCC?   
    FFS, are you still arguing over this?  4 pages of trying to prove who's smarter over something that the FCC (based on their history of action) doesn't even care about? ..."some people" .... Need to go outside more often...
    Just sayin...
  18. Thanks
    OffRoaderX got a reaction from Fernleaf in Home made/own GMRS Repeater   
    I put Kaf6045 on my "3rd-grade hall monitor block list" a long time ago so i dont know what he posted, but, It is important to know the rules.. It is also important to understand the risks and what happens in the real world..
    The head of your GMRS group is correct, it is no more of an issue than rolling through a stop-sign is an issue, as the FCC, based on their published record of enforcement, does not care.
  19. Like
    OffRoaderX got a reaction from marcspaz in Home made/own GMRS Repeater   
    I put Kaf6045 on my "3rd-grade hall monitor block list" a long time ago so i dont know what he posted, but, It is important to know the rules.. It is also important to understand the risks and what happens in the real world..
    The head of your GMRS group is correct, it is no more of an issue than rolling through a stop-sign is an issue, as the FCC, based on their published record of enforcement, does not care.
  20. Like
    OffRoaderX got a reaction from TheLostMedic in Home made/own GMRS Repeater   
    I've had 3 different repeaters over the last two years:
    DIY 2 KG-1000Gs Retevis RT97 Vertex VXR-7000 All using the same ~$120 Tram 1486 base antenna and 75 feet of LMR400 coax
    The two KG-1000Gs was the most expensive (~$875) and had the most power - but it was also the most unwieldy and issue-prone The RT97 was a much more compact package, and was the least expensive (~$400), but only output about 4-5watts after the duplexer and has a limited duty-cycle The  Vertex VXR-7000 (what I currently use) is by far the best solution. I paid $500 for mine (used), it puts out ~25 watts after the duplexer and it can be used 24/7 (100% duty cycle) - But because of its age its a bit of a pain to program/get set up.   My recommendation, based on my experience, would be to try and get a good used commercial repeater (like the VXR-7000) OR an RT97.   Next month another company will be releasing a new GMRS repeater very similar to the RT97 but easier to configure -  but i'm not allowed to talk about that yet.. So you might want to wait and see if that one works better for your needs.
  21. Like
    OffRoaderX got a reaction from rnavarro in Home made/own GMRS Repeater   
    I've had 3 different repeaters over the last two years:
    DIY 2 KG-1000Gs Retevis RT97 Vertex VXR-7000 All using the same ~$120 Tram 1486 base antenna and 75 feet of LMR400 coax
    The two KG-1000Gs was the most expensive (~$875) and had the most power - but it was also the most unwieldy and issue-prone The RT97 was a much more compact package, and was the least expensive (~$400), but only output about 4-5watts after the duplexer and has a limited duty-cycle The  Vertex VXR-7000 (what I currently use) is by far the best solution. I paid $500 for mine (used), it puts out ~25 watts after the duplexer and it can be used 24/7 (100% duty cycle) - But because of its age its a bit of a pain to program/get set up.   My recommendation, based on my experience, would be to try and get a good used commercial repeater (like the VXR-7000) OR an RT97.   Next month another company will be releasing a new GMRS repeater very similar to the RT97 but easier to configure -  but i'm not allowed to talk about that yet.. So you might want to wait and see if that one works better for your needs.
  22. Like
    OffRoaderX got a reaction from Flameout in Home made/own GMRS Repeater   
    I've had 3 different repeaters over the last two years:
    DIY 2 KG-1000Gs Retevis RT97 Vertex VXR-7000 All using the same ~$120 Tram 1486 base antenna and 75 feet of LMR400 coax
    The two KG-1000Gs was the most expensive (~$875) and had the most power - but it was also the most unwieldy and issue-prone The RT97 was a much more compact package, and was the least expensive (~$400), but only output about 4-5watts after the duplexer and has a limited duty-cycle The  Vertex VXR-7000 (what I currently use) is by far the best solution. I paid $500 for mine (used), it puts out ~25 watts after the duplexer and it can be used 24/7 (100% duty cycle) - But because of its age its a bit of a pain to program/get set up.   My recommendation, based on my experience, would be to try and get a good used commercial repeater (like the VXR-7000) OR an RT97.   Next month another company will be releasing a new GMRS repeater very similar to the RT97 but easier to configure -  but i'm not allowed to talk about that yet.. So you might want to wait and see if that one works better for your needs.
  23. Like
    OffRoaderX got a reaction from WRUU653 in Home made/own GMRS Repeater   
    I've had 3 different repeaters over the last two years:
    DIY 2 KG-1000Gs Retevis RT97 Vertex VXR-7000 All using the same ~$120 Tram 1486 base antenna and 75 feet of LMR400 coax
    The two KG-1000Gs was the most expensive (~$875) and had the most power - but it was also the most unwieldy and issue-prone The RT97 was a much more compact package, and was the least expensive (~$400), but only output about 4-5watts after the duplexer and has a limited duty-cycle The  Vertex VXR-7000 (what I currently use) is by far the best solution. I paid $500 for mine (used), it puts out ~25 watts after the duplexer and it can be used 24/7 (100% duty cycle) - But because of its age its a bit of a pain to program/get set up.   My recommendation, based on my experience, would be to try and get a good used commercial repeater (like the VXR-7000) OR an RT97.   Next month another company will be releasing a new GMRS repeater very similar to the RT97 but easier to configure -  but i'm not allowed to talk about that yet.. So you might want to wait and see if that one works better for your needs.
  24. Like
    OffRoaderX got a reaction from Fernleaf in Home made/own GMRS Repeater   
    I've had 3 different repeaters over the last two years:
    DIY 2 KG-1000Gs Retevis RT97 Vertex VXR-7000 All using the same ~$120 Tram 1486 base antenna and 75 feet of LMR400 coax
    The two KG-1000Gs was the most expensive (~$875) and had the most power - but it was also the most unwieldy and issue-prone The RT97 was a much more compact package, and was the least expensive (~$400), but only output about 4-5watts after the duplexer and has a limited duty-cycle The  Vertex VXR-7000 (what I currently use) is by far the best solution. I paid $500 for mine (used), it puts out ~25 watts after the duplexer and it can be used 24/7 (100% duty cycle) - But because of its age its a bit of a pain to program/get set up.   My recommendation, based on my experience, would be to try and get a good used commercial repeater (like the VXR-7000) OR an RT97.   Next month another company will be releasing a new GMRS repeater very similar to the RT97 but easier to configure -  but i'm not allowed to talk about that yet.. So you might want to wait and see if that one works better for your needs.
  25. Like
    OffRoaderX got a reaction from Sab02r in GMRS Enforcement   
    It doesnt matter, and only the hall-monitors care - as you can see very clearly in this and other online forums..
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