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  1. Like
    OffRoaderX got a reaction from kidphc in Programming Motorola XTL5000 or CDM1250 mobile radios   
    Even setting up a ham radio for use with GMRS repeaters can be challenging for us simpletons.   But a GMRS radio like the KG1000G or XS20G is very easy to setup. You dont even need the software, you can do it directly on the radio (but, it is easier with the software).
    If simplicity is your goal for GMRS, then do not get a CDM1250, XTL5000 or a ham radio - get a GMRS radio.
  2. Like
    OffRoaderX got a reaction from emartyg in Newbie question about GMRS repeater access requests   
    No, because on GMRS we are normal people speaking normal English.. Speak/talk however you wish, but keep it family friendly.  If anyone tries telling you that you "cant" say 10-4, "cant" say "over", or "cant say" anything else, it's just their obsessive-compulsive power-trip showing itself and they should be ignored. 
  3. Like
    OffRoaderX got a reaction from Sab02r in Salton Sea to get federal drought funds - Hurrah to OffroaderX!   
    let me boil down the political part for you:
    Potential major health/ecological disaster known and looming since 2000 or so. If not prevented will adversely affect the health of millions of people from Los Angeles to Phoenix The State of California passes a bill in 2003, which among other things assures us all that everything will be fine by 2017 2017 comes and goes with nothing done OTHER than millions of $$ spent on "studies" to prove what everybody already knows 2022 and now doing anything will be 10 years too late, and any solution will cost 10X more to 'fix' than it would have cost to prevent.. Most estimates say $5-$10 billion- Instead of taking any action, the State of California spends $15-Billion $$ on the worlds slowest bullet train to nowhere, that nobody will ever use. Basically, nobody in Sacramento gives a sh!t, and they've been kicking the can down the road for 20 years.
    I'm moving to Utah, to everyone stuck in So.Cal/So.Arizona, good luck!
  4. Thanks
    OffRoaderX got a reaction from WRUU653 in Salton Sea to get federal drought funds - Hurrah to OffroaderX!   
    Lithium mining will be great for the local economy, but it wont really help the big problem of the lake drying up and exposing toxic dust..  The lithium mining companies would prefer it if the lake was dried up because lithium mining (which is more like oil-drilling than 'mining') is easier on a dry lake bed than it is underwater.
  5. Like
    OffRoaderX got a reaction from marcspaz in Salton Sea to get federal drought funds - Hurrah to OffroaderX!   
    let me boil down the political part for you:
    Potential major health/ecological disaster known and looming since 2000 or so. If not prevented will adversely affect the health of millions of people from Los Angeles to Phoenix The State of California passes a bill in 2003, which among other things assures us all that everything will be fine by 2017 2017 comes and goes with nothing done OTHER than millions of $$ spent on "studies" to prove what everybody already knows 2022 and now doing anything will be 10 years too late, and any solution will cost 10X more to 'fix' than it would have cost to prevent.. Most estimates say $5-$10 billion- Instead of taking any action, the State of California spends $15-Billion $$ on the worlds slowest bullet train to nowhere, that nobody will ever use. Basically, nobody in Sacramento gives a sh!t, and they've been kicking the can down the road for 20 years.
    I'm moving to Utah, to everyone stuck in So.Cal/So.Arizona, good luck!
  6. Thanks
    OffRoaderX got a reaction from WRUU653 in Salton Sea to get federal drought funds - Hurrah to OffroaderX!   
    let me boil down the political part for you:
    Potential major health/ecological disaster known and looming since 2000 or so. If not prevented will adversely affect the health of millions of people from Los Angeles to Phoenix The State of California passes a bill in 2003, which among other things assures us all that everything will be fine by 2017 2017 comes and goes with nothing done OTHER than millions of $$ spent on "studies" to prove what everybody already knows 2022 and now doing anything will be 10 years too late, and any solution will cost 10X more to 'fix' than it would have cost to prevent.. Most estimates say $5-$10 billion- Instead of taking any action, the State of California spends $15-Billion $$ on the worlds slowest bullet train to nowhere, that nobody will ever use. Basically, nobody in Sacramento gives a sh!t, and they've been kicking the can down the road for 20 years.
    I'm moving to Utah, to everyone stuck in So.Cal/So.Arizona, good luck!
  7. Thanks
    OffRoaderX reacted to MichaelLAX in Another digital post.   
    One of the greatest attributes of this Forum is that new GMRS licensees can come here and easily obtain a fount of valuable information on all sorts of useful GMRS subtopics.
    Now to them, this is the first time such a question is being asked and it is a feature not a bug, that these questions are answered over and over again and updated, if necessary, each time.
    Using the "Search" function does not always work well and is it sure not as easy as just asking the question.
    If you find it disconcerting to answer the same question over and over again, here is any easy trick: Don't reply and move on to the next topic!
    Let those of us who want to help cut through the crap and answer the question.
  8. Like
    OffRoaderX got a reaction from FreqieRadio in Another digital post.   
    There are also people like you and me rolling through stop-signs every night, which might be a better comparison. To compare breaking an FCC rule to murder is absurd and something only a true "sad HAM" would say.
    So.. Congratulations.
  9. Like
    OffRoaderX got a reaction from rnavarro in Newbie question about GMRS repeater access requests   
    No, because on GMRS we are normal people speaking normal English.. Speak/talk however you wish, but keep it family friendly.  If anyone tries telling you that you "cant" say 10-4, "cant" say "over", or "cant say" anything else, it's just their obsessive-compulsive power-trip showing itself and they should be ignored. 
  10. Like
    OffRoaderX got a reaction from DeoVindice in Another digital post.   
    There are also people like you and me rolling through stop-signs every night, which might be a better comparison. To compare breaking an FCC rule to murder is absurd and something only a true "sad HAM" would say.
    So.. Congratulations.
  11. Haha
    OffRoaderX got a reaction from Blaise in Another digital post.   
    There are also people like you and me rolling through stop-signs every night, which might be a better comparison. To compare breaking an FCC rule to murder is absurd and something only a true "sad HAM" would say.
    So.. Congratulations.
  12. Like
    OffRoaderX got a reaction from SemperFidelity in Newbie question about GMRS repeater access requests   
    No, because on GMRS we are normal people speaking normal English.. Speak/talk however you wish, but keep it family friendly.  If anyone tries telling you that you "cant" say 10-4, "cant" say "over", or "cant say" anything else, it's just their obsessive-compulsive power-trip showing itself and they should be ignored. 
  13. Like
    OffRoaderX got a reaction from WRWE336 in We need more GMRS Repeaters Deployed   
    I agree..
    I have put one up, and am [partially] responsible for getting a 2nd one up, covering most of Southern California.
  14. Like
    OffRoaderX got a reaction from kerstuff in Newbie question about GMRS repeater access requests   
    No, because on GMRS we are normal people speaking normal English.. Speak/talk however you wish, but keep it family friendly.  If anyone tries telling you that you "cant" say 10-4, "cant" say "over", or "cant say" anything else, it's just their obsessive-compulsive power-trip showing itself and they should be ignored. 
  15. Haha
    OffRoaderX got a reaction from marcspaz in Another digital post.   
    I'm not sure what you're asking, but, the answer is no.
  16. Like
    OffRoaderX got a reaction from brandonlamb in Newbie question about GMRS repeater access requests   
    No, because on GMRS we are normal people speaking normal English.. Speak/talk however you wish, but keep it family friendly.  If anyone tries telling you that you "cant" say 10-4, "cant" say "over", or "cant say" anything else, it's just their obsessive-compulsive power-trip showing itself and they should be ignored. 
  17. Like
    OffRoaderX got a reaction from WRVE426 in Newbie question about GMRS repeater access requests   
    No, because on GMRS we are normal people speaking normal English.. Speak/talk however you wish, but keep it family friendly.  If anyone tries telling you that you "cant" say 10-4, "cant" say "over", or "cant say" anything else, it's just their obsessive-compulsive power-trip showing itself and they should be ignored. 
  18. Like
    OffRoaderX got a reaction from WRUS537 in Newbie question about GMRS repeater access requests   
    No, because on GMRS we are normal people speaking normal English.. Speak/talk however you wish, but keep it family friendly.  If anyone tries telling you that you "cant" say 10-4, "cant" say "over", or "cant say" anything else, it's just their obsessive-compulsive power-trip showing itself and they should be ignored. 
  19. Like
    OffRoaderX got a reaction from WRXV922 in Wouxun KG-UV9GX   
    I have one right here on my desk.. It's a nice upgrade the the UV9G.. The release has been delayed due to supply chain/shipping issues, but it should be available soon (my GUESS is 30-60 days, but this is only a guess)..
    Some new stuff on the UV9Gx:
    theme able color schemes much brighter LED flashlight stiffer knobs can receive down to 219Mhz more power control settings for better battery life a priority channel button, pre-set to the official highway channel, CH19 more pre-programmed frequenicies and most important a ROGER BEEP .................affiliate link below..
    Oops.. sorry.. bad habit.
  20. Like
    OffRoaderX got a reaction from BSRMark in Wouxun KG-UV9GX   
    Some of the early UV9GPro and the UV9GLite had Roger beeps, but IIRC, the bulk of the UV9GPro units do not have a Roger Beep.. Due to the outcry of customers from around the world, they added it back for the UV9GX.
    Mid power is now 2watts, high power is still 5watts.. I dont remember what low power is, but its the same as the the UV9GPro.
    I'm only telling you this because YOU are my favorite user here at MyGMRS ...
  21. Like
    OffRoaderX got a reaction from gearjunkie in GMRS Enforcement   
    If you look close, 99% of them are actually sad-hams, disguised as GMRS operators.
  22. Like
    OffRoaderX got a reaction from Adamdaj in Opinion on BTech GMRS Pro   
    Its a nifty little radio, but unless everyone else in your party also has one, most of that nifty'ness doesnt matter.
    As for basic use and fars, it's pretty much the same as any other radio.
  23. Like
    OffRoaderX got a reaction from WRXB215 in Fixed station - what does that mean to FCC?   
    FFS, are you still arguing over this?  4 pages of trying to prove who's smarter over something that the FCC (based on their history of action) doesn't even care about? ..."some people" .... Need to go outside more often...
    Just sayin...
  24. Haha
    OffRoaderX got a reaction from Fernleaf in Fixed station - what does that mean to FCC?   
    FFS, are you still arguing over this?  4 pages of trying to prove who's smarter over something that the FCC (based on their history of action) doesn't even care about? ..."some people" .... Need to go outside more often...
    Just sayin...
  25. Haha
    OffRoaderX got a reaction from weaverrm in Fixed station - what does that mean to FCC?   
    FFS, are you still arguing over this?  4 pages of trying to prove who's smarter over something that the FCC (based on their history of action) doesn't even care about? ..."some people" .... Need to go outside more often...
    Just sayin...
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