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    coryb27 reacted to rdunajewski in Permissible Use Question   
    Please feel free to pressure the FCC to revise the rules to allow digital voice transmissions on GMRS. Emphasis on voice, not data. The rules are just out of date with the state of technology, so it'd be nice to bring GMRS up to the Ham standard, so to speak.
  2. Like
    coryb27 reacted to rdunajewski in Permissible Use Question   
    If both users are licensed, they may use GMRS for business purposes as long as the remaining rules are followed. So yes, you and your coworker, if both have a license, may use GMRS for commercial use but are still subject to, for example, the rules that require identification, cooperative channel use, prohibits explicit language, etc.
    If a business holds a grandfathered license still (very few left), they may issue radios to their employees for business purposes. The other rules still apply, but the terms of their license may specify some special usage or restrictions (i.e. only authorized for certain frequencies).
    Since only individuals can get a license today, you're probably asking about the first case.
  3. Like
    coryb27 reacted to PastorGary in Grand Rapids MI - any interest in getting a rerpeater up?   
    The Staff has eliminated 8 posts in this thread.  We caution participants to take your argument into Private Messaging if you must argue at all.  Any repeat of what was reported by several members in this thread will not be tolerated.
  4. Like
    coryb27 got a reaction from kenmarple in Requests for New Features   
    Linking is the least of this guys issues, he claims to be building a nationwide GMRS network and plans to charge users for access. He also claims to have 150 repeaters in his shop with tower space, internet and linking hardware ready to go. Best part, hes a new license holder, checking his FRN on FCC shows hes not involved in any other type of radio and hes plastering the main site with tons of future repeaters. This is all sham and the FCC is already aware of him and looking into it. If his pay for play network is real hes in big trouble....... Not sure how long Rich is going to let this guy fill his site with fake networks and repeaters. I found the website, poor grammar and the page looks to be made in MS word and Paint.
  5. Like
    coryb27 got a reaction from chiefeis in Requests for New Features   
    Linking is the least of this guys issues, he claims to be building a nationwide GMRS network and plans to charge users for access. He also claims to have 150 repeaters in his shop with tower space, internet and linking hardware ready to go. Best part, hes a new license holder, checking his FRN on FCC shows hes not involved in any other type of radio and hes plastering the main site with tons of future repeaters. This is all sham and the FCC is already aware of him and looking into it. If his pay for play network is real hes in big trouble....... Not sure how long Rich is going to let this guy fill his site with fake networks and repeaters. I found the website, poor grammar and the page looks to be made in MS word and Paint.
  6. Like
    coryb27 reacted to gurnie in NEW GMRS RADIO!!!   
    I have had this radio for about a month and have been able to listen in on some great discussions on my local repeater. Problem is my local repeater requires a DPL 263 but I have not been able to figure out how to set that up. Is it supported on the ht?
  7. Like
    coryb27 got a reaction from gurnie in NEW GMRS RADIO!!!   
    I checked and it is able to be programed to use DPL 263. in your DCS table select number 47 on your TX channel.
    I found this in appendix C of the manual along wiht instructions on how to program it.
    I think you are talking about my repeater in IL, if so feel free to jump on. No permission required I have it listed public and encourage its use.
    I wrote this up a while back  https://forums.mygmrs.com/topic/592-rebuilding-the-chain-o-lakes-repeater-ingleside-il/
  8. Like
    coryb27 got a reaction from mainehazmt in NEW GMRS RADIO!!!   
    I checked and it is able to be programed to use DPL 263. in your DCS table select number 47 on your TX channel.
    I found this in appendix C of the manual along wiht instructions on how to program it.
    I think you are talking about my repeater in IL, if so feel free to jump on. No permission required I have it listed public and encourage its use.
    I wrote this up a while back  https://forums.mygmrs.com/topic/592-rebuilding-the-chain-o-lakes-repeater-ingleside-il/
  9. Like
    coryb27 got a reaction from berkinet in NEW GMRS RADIO!!!   
    I checked and it is able to be programed to use DPL 263. in your DCS table select number 47 on your TX channel.
    I found this in appendix C of the manual along wiht instructions on how to program it.
    I think you are talking about my repeater in IL, if so feel free to jump on. No permission required I have it listed public and encourage its use.
    I wrote this up a while back  https://forums.mygmrs.com/topic/592-rebuilding-the-chain-o-lakes-repeater-ingleside-il/
  10. Like
    coryb27 reacted to n4gix in Where to start - setting up a repeater   
    Secure your GMRS license
    Secure a tower space before doing anything else!
  11. Like
    coryb27 reacted to rdunajewski in how can a GMRS repeater be built or bought with part 95 compliance?   
    I and others on here are of the opinion that any Part 90 gear that meets the technical requirements in Part 95 (which virtually all do today) is okay to use on GMRS when operated within the appropriate limits. I know you mentioned Part 95 specifically, and there is still a legal gray area on what I just said above. The issue is that there isn't a lot of equipment available that is certified for GMRS to the extent that the Part 95 rules are a major hinderance to the service.
    Following the letter of the law, then you should only use Part 95 equipment. However the rules exist to set minimum technical requirements and modern Part 90 radios are compliant and worthy substitutes (in many cases also exceed the specifications of Part 95).
    From an enforcement standpoint, it's really a non-issue. I've seen no reports of the FCC taking issue with a Part 90 radio, being operated correctly (i.e. within proper power limits), on GMRS. There is no way to tell aside from a station inspection that the radio is not Part 95 compliant.
    I'll stress once again that this is opinion, but it is a prevailing opinion in the community it seems.
  12. Like
    coryb27 got a reaction from Logan5 in Need help getting started!   
    The important part is finding the proper PL or DPL needed to access the repeaters you are trying to use. You can check the listings on the main site and if needed contact the users to get the access info. Some scanners will decode this for you but it will only work if the input and output is the same. My first contact on a repeater was done that way, and once I was able to access it I made contact with the owners and still use that machine today.
  13. Like
    coryb27 reacted to n4gix in Midland SP-440 for GMRS?   
    It took almost thirty seconds to find this:
    While the radio is capable of being programmed for GMRS frequencies, it is not Part 95A certified, so would be illegal to use...
  14. Like
    coryb27 got a reaction from thekayakr in Need help getting started!   
    1. Type of radio would be the first thing we need to know.
    2. Do you have the proper PL or DPL to access the repeater you are trying to connect to?
    3. Just because you can hear people does not mean you can talk to them, if they are on a repeater and using PL or DPL nobody is going to hear you if your radio is not set up properly.
    I will try to explain it as simple as I can and I will use the GMRS channel 462.675 with a PL of 141.3.
    You need to transmit (TX) on frequency 467.675 using the PL 141.3 and receive (RX) on the frequency 462.675 using the PL 141.3
    The repeater is listening on the 5 MHz + offset and almost all require a PL or DPL to bring up the repeater. If you don't bring up the repeater nobody is going to hear you because you are transmitting on a repeater input channel.
    If you want to try and communicate with them simplex (without a repeater) you would need to use your talk around feature or set a channel up so your RX and TX info is the same but you would still need to know the PL or DPL in use by the other party.
  15. Like
    coryb27 got a reaction from berkinet in Need help getting started!   
    1. Type of radio would be the first thing we need to know.
    2. Do you have the proper PL or DPL to access the repeater you are trying to connect to?
    3. Just because you can hear people does not mean you can talk to them, if they are on a repeater and using PL or DPL nobody is going to hear you if your radio is not set up properly.
    I will try to explain it as simple as I can and I will use the GMRS channel 462.675 with a PL of 141.3.
    You need to transmit (TX) on frequency 467.675 using the PL 141.3 and receive (RX) on the frequency 462.675 using the PL 141.3
    The repeater is listening on the 5 MHz + offset and almost all require a PL or DPL to bring up the repeater. If you don't bring up the repeater nobody is going to hear you because you are transmitting on a repeater input channel.
    If you want to try and communicate with them simplex (without a repeater) you would need to use your talk around feature or set a channel up so your RX and TX info is the same but you would still need to know the PL or DPL in use by the other party.
  16. Like
    coryb27 got a reaction from n4gix in Need help getting started!   
    1. Type of radio would be the first thing we need to know.
    2. Do you have the proper PL or DPL to access the repeater you are trying to connect to?
    3. Just because you can hear people does not mean you can talk to them, if they are on a repeater and using PL or DPL nobody is going to hear you if your radio is not set up properly.
    I will try to explain it as simple as I can and I will use the GMRS channel 462.675 with a PL of 141.3.
    You need to transmit (TX) on frequency 467.675 using the PL 141.3 and receive (RX) on the frequency 462.675 using the PL 141.3
    The repeater is listening on the 5 MHz + offset and almost all require a PL or DPL to bring up the repeater. If you don't bring up the repeater nobody is going to hear you because you are transmitting on a repeater input channel.
    If you want to try and communicate with them simplex (without a repeater) you would need to use your talk around feature or set a channel up so your RX and TX info is the same but you would still need to know the PL or DPL in use by the other party.
  17. Like
    coryb27 got a reaction from Logan5 in Need help getting started!   
    1. Type of radio would be the first thing we need to know.
    2. Do you have the proper PL or DPL to access the repeater you are trying to connect to?
    3. Just because you can hear people does not mean you can talk to them, if they are on a repeater and using PL or DPL nobody is going to hear you if your radio is not set up properly.
    I will try to explain it as simple as I can and I will use the GMRS channel 462.675 with a PL of 141.3.
    You need to transmit (TX) on frequency 467.675 using the PL 141.3 and receive (RX) on the frequency 462.675 using the PL 141.3
    The repeater is listening on the 5 MHz + offset and almost all require a PL or DPL to bring up the repeater. If you don't bring up the repeater nobody is going to hear you because you are transmitting on a repeater input channel.
    If you want to try and communicate with them simplex (without a repeater) you would need to use your talk around feature or set a channel up so your RX and TX info is the same but you would still need to know the PL or DPL in use by the other party.
  18. Like
    coryb27 got a reaction from Hans in Repeater frequency allocation   
    You could go out and invest $4k bucks on a repeater and put it on a well placed site with a 200' high antenna and the guy down the block could grab 2 mobiles and stick a repeater in his back yard on the same channel and there is nothing you can do. You can try to work it out but if you cant nobody can help you.
    Operating simplex on a repeater output would be the proper way to use simplex on GMRS, this results to what is known as talk around.
    Several repeaters can co exist on the same channel as long as everybody is using a different pl/dpl the only time its going to be an issue is when both are transmitting at the same time, the better repeater most always wins.
    GMRS Operators tend to work together and solve most interference issues unless one is a total jerk.
  19. Like
    coryb27 reacted to n4gix in GMRS V1   
    Honestly, this not a particularly useful answer. Why do I say that? Simple. If you don't know the bloody FCC ID (i.e. "Grantee Code" + "Product Code" there's just no way to find the records...
    ...this is like giving someone a fishing pole, and line, but leaving out the hook and bait. That man is going to stay hungry. 
  20. Like
    coryb27 got a reaction from JohnE in Base Station Antenna Locations   
    You can get 1/2" or 7/8" hard line New for $2 a foot...
  21. Like
    coryb27 reacted to Logan5 in Base Station Antenna Locations   
    I would run AC power to the location and keep all coax run as short as possible. As has been stated go with the higher location,
  22. Like
    coryb27 reacted to zap in Base Station Antenna Locations   
    For your "average" (Midwest semi-flat) terrain you'd see roughly 150% coverage increase at 90 versus 36 feet.
    462 MHz is very line of sight oriented. Power is less important than location.
    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  23. Like
    coryb27 reacted to n4gix in MURS Simplex Repeater !   
    I suspect hearing yourself being "parroted back" after a making a transmission just might be a give away...
  24. Like
    coryb27 reacted to n4gix in GMRS and MDC   
    Trust me, 5 measly watts isn't going to make any practical difference in performance. If 45 watts won't work well, neither will 50 watts.
  25. Like
    coryb27 reacted to n4gix in Poor Performance of new Repeater...   
    The auction of the DB duplexer won't end for another 17 hours and a few minutes. I'm still the high bidder but have a max bid sufficiently high to probably get it. I'll keep my eyes on it just in case though. The specs on that model are outstanding -95dB reject, -1.2dB insertion loss:
    I shouldn't need it, but I do have a 100 watt Henry amp I can drive up to 50 watts if necessary.
    Corey, the mobile duplexer is undoubtedly the proximate cause of the performance, as it has about -2.5dB insertion loss. If I can at least get it to hear as far as it transmits, I'll be more satisfied. I just got home from shipping the dual CDM-1550 repeater to its new home in Boonsville, NC and was chatting with a fellow ham/gmrs user. He's running 4watts into a simple antenna up about 17' and was easily 95% full quieting into the repeater. He had solid copy from my 45 watt mobile up to around 10' miles from the repeater with the rear of my car (minor lobe) aimed at the antenna, so that's about what I expected. I could still copy the repeater at full quieting at 14 miles LOS from the repeater. Again, just about what we've projected.
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