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Posts posted by Shriekmau
I am using a Larsen NMO mount dual band VHF/UHF. It works really well for GMRS and Amateur bands. I can't remember the exact model number since I ordered it nearly a year ago.
Cross band repeat specifically means to broadcast a signal on one band that was received on another. GMRS only operates within one band, so to cross band repeat with GMRS would mean one side or the other would not be operating on GMRS.
I have heard of duplexers being thrown out of tune due to extreme heat or cold. If you have a way of checking them, start there. Sometimes when they are thrown out of tune it doesn't recover on it's own and must be re-tuned.
I believe the answer is "no". The station broadcasting would need both licenses. GMRS and Ham can relay, but I do not think they allow for cross band repeat between the two. Now, you could use cross band for something like MURS and GMRS as long as the repeater operator has a GMRS license and the MURS side did not transmit at more than 0.5 watts.
Unit 460,
Thanks for the heads up! I have had my Tech ticket since September and upgraded to General in November. I have been operating on 10, 12, 15, and 17. I hope to get a couple more antennas up so I can get into the 20, 40, and 80. I should be getting my Extra before the end of the year.
Welcome to the forum!
Those 1 watt radios work well for what they are and what they were intended to be used for. As long as the repeater you are trying to access isn't using the frequencies backwards (repeater input using the band plan output and repeater output using the band plan input) then they should work. Those bubble pack radios work with repeaters which are configured to the suggested frequencies, they will not work with any odd-ball configurations.
The benefit to using equipment specifically part 95 or if you so choose part 90, is the ability to customize Tx and Rx frequencies, as well as CTCSS and DCS encodings (I like to leave squelch open just in case). These units also have higher Tx power options equaling those part 97 HTs you seem to be more familiar with (4 watts for UHF and 5 watts VHF, and yes a lot of part 90 HTs which are not technically for GMRS will transmit on VHF).
Many of the Chinese HTs work really well (part 90). Many users here have had great success with Baofeng, I have used Wouxun with great success as well. Baofeng will typically run you anywhere from $30 to $50 depending on the seller. Wouxun will typically run you between $70 and $150, again depending on the seller. I still have a Wouxun KG-UV6D that I use as a beater radio. It works on FRS, GMRS, 70CM, 2M, Marine channels, etc. Keep in mind these radios are part 90 and the Tx is wide open (if you can dial it in on the LCD, then you can transmit), it is also technically against the rules to use these on GMRS part 95 but many, MANY people do.
If you would like more information on these or my experiences with them, feel free to ask or PM me. I will help any way I can.
Awesome! I will have to look into this software. I might be able to use it.
I have never had any issues with Motorola equipment. While I am not familiar with that model, I have no problem assuming you will be pleased with that unit.
You mentioned you wanted direct programming capabilities. I assume you mean the ability to key in the desired frequency directly from the radio keypad? If so, this is in violation of FCC part 95 regulations. Part 95 radios are not intended to be field programmable, that way they are restricted to the presets defined by their programming. A field programmable UHF radio would be considered part 90 and not authorized for use on GMRS by the FCC. If caught using GMRS on part 90 equipment and the agent wanted to enforce the law, there could be repercussions for the station operator.
Only trying to be helpful. The FCC regulations are sometimes not very clear, I have found myself confused several times and had to re-read or ask for assistance on these forums.
Understood, and that makes sense.
I seem to remember a previous discussion around HIPPA and the transmission of patient information over radios. If I remember right, HIPPA did not reach to cover patient information transmitted over radio. I could be remembering incorrectly though.
All HTs seem to run hot on long transmissions. I have had a Yaesu, Icom, and 2 Wouxun. All of these units run very warm when transmitting. The radios with a metal exterior run uncomfortably hot since the case is acting like a heat-sync. I have never experienced malfunction when this happens, but because of this I try to keep from long Tx on these units.
Very nice! Thats a really good price!
Even better. The only downside is you don't get to see their face when the FCC shows up.
Recording, documenting, then turning it over to the FCC. The FCC doesn't take kindly to malicious interference, especially when it interferes with emergency preparedness. If we did something like that we would not take action against the person, we wouldn't even tell them we were doing it. They would just get a knock on the door from someone driving a black SUV with antennas all over it.
I totally agree. A few weeks back we had a local ARES group performing drills and training. Some joker decided to key up through approximately 30% of all net control transmits. Dispatched teams for Search & Rescue as well as shelter communications were having to repeatedly request re-transmits.
No one said anything about it, as is best and common practice when dealing with a malicious "keyer". Though we discussed the possibility of a secret Fox Hunt during the next ARES exercise at our local club meeting. Even though most of us were not participating in the ARES exercise, we were rather upset at the actions of the individual responsible.
Some were so peeved I think they might have lynched the person if they knew who it was.
I use DXengineering all the time. They are awesome. Hamradio.com is good too, as well as gigaparts.com.
I can't say I don't have local police bands programmed into my radios. The difference here is my radios have transmit locked out when on these channels. Not that I would transmit intentionally, but I want to prevent accidental key ups.
I have used some of the CHIRP software, but not for the units listed here.
Logan - On your SWR meter there is forward power, reflected power, and SWR. Your forward and reflected lines cross at the top. The red toward the bottom is your SWR or Standing Wave Ratio. A perfect impedance match is 1:1. From what I saw on your previous setup you had a 2.5:1 SWR. Anything over 2:1 can cause damage to your radio, it will burn out the finals in the transmitter.
It sounds like you are getting 1.5:1 SWR now. This is acceptable, but like John, I don't like to see it above 1.2:1 if possible. Check your antenna by connecting it directly to your SWR meter, then from your SWR meter to your radio. You might be surprised to find that the SWR on the antenna is off. Even new antennas must sometimes be tuned.
When you have a radio turned on and there is no static it means there is some sort of active squelch. A receiver will always make a static noise with the squelch turned off. John is referring to turning the squelch off completely. This causes the radio to make that annoying static sound, but it also allows you to hear transmissions that might not break the squelch otherwise.
A trained ear can hear a transmission and possibly make out what is being said even if they are below the noise (the noise is louder than the voice).
I picked up this Yaesu FT-890 HF radio over the weekend. Cant wait to build an antenna for it and get on the air. It was used but like new. The only issue is the backlight bulb for the SWR meter is out. This is easily resolved though and I think I am going to test the voltage/amperage to the bulb and get an LED for it.
I will let everyone know how everything goes once I get on the air with it.
I bet your wife doesn't get out much with her fear of clowns.It seems every time I get out on the road I run into a entourage of them driving down the highway.it makes me fear them also.
LOL you got it William!
I'm glad your radio is functioning as it should William. Sorry you had the experience you did before it finally got resolved. I only hope I do not have the same experience.
Antenna Recommendation
in Miscellaneous Topics
I believe you are correct on the model. That seems to ring a bell with my memory.
It has been a very good antenna for me. I get a lot of compliments on my range with a mag mount. The antenna seems to work equally well on VHF and UHF. It also seems to be quite durable as I have smacked it on a couple low obstacles which resulted it the mag mount tipping over yet the antenna was unharmed.