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SteveShannon reacted to gortex2 in So who here uses GMRS properly?
I use GMRS same way I've used it for 30+ years. As a tool for my family and friends to talk. I also use it on trails with friends now.
SteveShannon reacted to Lscott in Solar stuff...
And as luck would have it something better will come along too. Back To The Future and Mr. Fusion.
SteveShannon got a reaction from Elmo777 in New to GMRS and can here people but cannot reach them.
I’m sorry that happened to your wife. It shouldn’t have. Not on GMRS and not on any of the ham bands.
As long as people are not intentionally violating regulations in a way that interferes with others, we should be welcoming and supportive.
SteveShannon got a reaction from WRTC928 in LOUISIANA NEEDS GMRS/HAM users.. comms sucks here!
The KG1000G is marketed that way. @OffRoaderX tried it. It worked, but not as simply as it was marketed. He has three or so videos on YouTube as Notarubicon about it.
SteveShannon got a reaction from FishinGary in Well.... I did it.... passed my Tech a month ago
Zero to hero! Well done!
SteveShannon got a reaction from WRNU354 in What to do when you end up inside the quote block.
Like some of you I usually quote a post or a portion of a post so the context of my comment is clear.
On occasion I have written a comment, thought better about it and backspaced to the beginning of my comment to start again. Sometimes I backspaced one too many characters and I end up inside of the quote block. If you add your comment there it’s not easy to know what you quoted and what you commented; both appear within the quote block.
At first I couldn’t figure out how to get out of it. It’s not always possible to click below it.
But then I discovered that if I just go to the very end of any text or spaces in the quote block and hit a couple of returns, the forum software would move my cursor out of the quote block and underneath it, right where I wanted.
You probably already knew this, but just in case you didn’t, I thought I’d mention it.
SteveShannon got a reaction from FishinGary in So who here uses GMRS properly?
Using GMRS is infinitely better than not. Nothing is gained by having silent channels.
If you have long conversations, pause every so often to allow someone else to use the frequency or repeater.
Help someone else get started with GMRS.
SteveShannon got a reaction from WRXB215 in So who here uses GMRS properly?
Using GMRS is infinitely better than not. Nothing is gained by having silent channels.
If you have long conversations, pause every so often to allow someone else to use the frequency or repeater.
Help someone else get started with GMRS.
SteveShannon got a reaction from RayDiddio in Well.... I did it.... passed my Tech a month ago
Another really good training method (I really enjoyed it) is HamStudy.org. All of the questions are presented along with lots of reference material that unwind the concepts or reasoning behind the answer. It works really well for those who want to learn the material. You can choose how you want to be presented the questions, a section at a time or randomly. You can take practice tests as often as you want. It’s all free online or for a very low price you can purchase the app and take it on your phone or tablet even when you’re offline. It tracks which questions you get wrong and goes back to them more frequently to help concentrate your studying.
SteveShannon got a reaction from briann252 in So who here uses GMRS properly?
Using GMRS is infinitely better than not. Nothing is gained by having silent channels.
If you have long conversations, pause every so often to allow someone else to use the frequency or repeater.
Help someone else get started with GMRS.
SteveShannon reacted to warthog74 in TYT TH-9800 clicking noise on 2m transmit
Same thing happened to mine recently. However i’ve owned it for about 12-ish years now, so i’m not too disappointed. Now i just shut VFO B off and have it display voltage instead.
SteveShannon reacted to OffRoaderX in New to GMRS and can here people but cannot reach them.
Here are some things to check/consider:
Are you sure you are on the correct REPEATER CHANNEL? Are you sure you are using the correct TRANSMIT TONE? For simplicity, remove the RECEIVE TONE for now, it is optional Try driving closer to the repeater - just because you can hear it does not mean it can hear you. -
SteveShannon reacted to amaff in So who here uses GMRS properly?
I guess I do. Primarily we use them for hiking, on road trips, and at the race track.
I'm heading to Vegas this week for a Time Trial with 1 of hte kids coming down to spot for me, so he'll be up in the tower with a headset on.
I'll try to avoid doing too much off roading 😅
(not that it'd be the first time...)
SteveShannon reacted to SvenMarbles in So who here uses GMRS properly?
It’s absolutely the correct use. It’s not a coincidence that GMRS is Family Radio Service adjacent, and that a license is good “for a family”.
SteveShannon got a reaction from SvenMarbles in Could FM CB supplant FRS?
Because repeaters are operated strictly under an individual’s license in GMRS, unlike ham or commercial radio, what’s welcome behavior on a GMRS repeater is entirely up to the wishes of the licensed operator subject to the rules of the FCC. Thus you’re apt to see GMRS repeaters that welcome rag-chewing and you’re also apt to see GMRS repeaters that prefer no reg-chewing.
A significant number of GMRS users will tell you that GMRS is not intended for random conversations. Another bunch will happily participate in random conversations on GMRS frequencies.
Enjoy the ride! Welcome to the forum!
SteveShannon got a reaction from GrouserPad in TYT TH-9800 clicking noise on 2m transmit
He never said that he did. He is a longtime ham (second sentence) and describes the radio’s power under 2 meters and 70 centimeters. But even if he does use it on GMRS it wouldn’t upset me.
SteveShannon got a reaction from WRUE951 in TYT TH-9800 clicking noise on 2m transmit
He never said that he did. He is a longtime ham (second sentence) and describes the radio’s power under 2 meters and 70 centimeters. But even if he does use it on GMRS it wouldn’t upset me.
SteveShannon reacted to WRKY933 in Well.... I did it.... passed my Tech a month ago
Welcome to the Dark Side! 🫠
SteveShannon got a reaction from DominoDog in Could FM CB supplant FRS?
My understanding is that UHF is better at penetrating dry structures than HF or VHF (which is why cell phones work in buildings), but it’s worse at penetrating water or water bearing vegetation, which is why leafy trees affect it.
SteveShannon got a reaction from briann252 in Base station set up with a Btech GMRS 50V2 with a Btech 50w Pro
I’m always surprised by how many people spend many minutes and sometimes hours researching and asking others questions that could be answered in less than a minute by trying.
SteveShannon got a reaction from WRWE456 in Base station set up with a Btech GMRS 50V2 with a Btech 50w Pro
I’m always surprised by how many people spend many minutes and sometimes hours researching and asking others questions that could be answered in less than a minute by trying.
SteveShannon reacted to WSGU764 in Base station set up with a Btech GMRS 50V2 with a Btech 50w Pro
Thanks for all the suggestions. I live in a rural area of South Carolina where the topography is relatively flat with farmland and timber. The cabin is located at the farm and the elevation at the farm is about 25 feet higher than my home. I'm still waiting for the larger antenna to arrive where I will install it on the roof of my house.