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WRTT642 reacted to WSHC425 in Introduction
Hey everyone, my name's David, I'm in West Anchorage. I just got my first radio and license this week, so I'm pretty green on all this. I am into a bunch of the outdoorsy things that we love here in Alaska and wanted a reliable way to communicate on ski trips and such. Trying to learn about repeaters and such right now, it's cool that there's a community around GMRS here.
WRTT642 reacted to Hoppyjr in Permission for using gmrs call sign by those not in same household
You seem to be pretty obsessed with regulations and what other people do. I’m gonna find an old “Junior Trooper” sticker badge and send it to you.
Be sure you wear it whenever you wear your Radio Shack helmet, the one with the flashing red light on top.
…..but only when you’re taking enforcement action!
Edit: below from your Sept post. You called the FCC?!
Man, life is too short to be wound this tightly.
WSEZ, if you are more concerned about a spelling error than the question itself and have nothing of value to offer a newcomer to the radio hobby, maybe you need to find a different hobby yourself instead of putting others down so you can feel superior.
WRTT642 reacted to WSFP960 in Hello
Saying hello. I am very new to radios. I have gotten a few Baofeng UV-5G plus as well as a couple UV-5R units. I will start working on my ham license after the holidays. I look forward to talking to and learning this new hobby. I got into it just to be able to use communications in the event of a SHTF situation. I would not consider myself a prepper. I do like to be prepared though. Anyway hello and here is a picture of one of my radios.
WRTT642 reacted to SteveShannon in Problems w/Baofeng AR-152 CHIRP PROGRAMMING,loss of wattage as a result ?!?
Hi Mac,
It usually helps to post a more detailed question rather than relying on what can be a cryptic title.
There have been a few radios where the power outputs of programmed channels appear to be recalibrated after programming. I don’t recall if the AR-152 is one of those. Some posts have even mentioned that the result seemed like the power output was inverted after programming, so high power in the menu put out less power than low power. I’ve never experienced that with Chirp but that’s not to say that others haven’t.
If that’s not what your title alludes to, please give us more detail. You’ll find that most of us here enjoy trying to help answer questions. Disregard those who react negatively.
WRTT642 reacted to SteveShannon in Calling all AR-152 owners...
Although GMRS is in the name of the site, the site also caters to ham radio interests. Radio is radio. If you’re so up-tight that the inclusion of helpful information about a radio triggers you, then you probably aren’t getting much enjoyment out of anything. Learn to ignore posts about non-GMRS radios.
WRTT642 reacted to OffRoaderX in Calling all AR-152 owners...
Sad-H.A.M.s are a myth and do not exi.......
I stand corrected...
WRTT642 reacted to JBRPong in Walker's Razor Walkie-Talkie Ear Pro
WRTT642 reacted to JBRPong in Walker's Razor Walkie-Talkie Ear Pro
I have 2 sets of these and they are great. My son and I can talk to each other at the range without shouting.
I replaced the rubber pads with gel ones and they are much more comfortable and seals better around the ear.
WRTT642 reacted to RayDiddio in Walker's Razor Walkie-Talkie Ear Pro
Thank you. This is good to know. I get your dislike of pistol stocks.
I may have to go out and grab a set of these. They look "well enough," as they say.
WRTT642 got a reaction from RayDiddio in Walker's Razor Walkie-Talkie Ear Pro
They are very comfortable, to me at least, and I shoot my Benelli M4 a lot. It has a field stock installed on it because I just am not a fan of the pistol grip stocks. The ear pro do not get in the way at all and can be worn with no issues while shooting shotgun. Took these to my schools ham club and the kids loved them, they all said they told their parents to buy them a pair lol. I know there are better ear pro out there, but for the cost and features you cant go wrong with these. Also, just so you know, you can hook up your own radios to these, you dont have to have this exact radio hook up.
WRTT642 got a reaction from RayDiddio in Walker's Razor Walkie-Talkie Ear Pro
The total cost of both the ear pro and the walkie was about 70 bucks, not too bad considering what they are, but do understand wanting to get other things first.
WRTT642 reacted to RayDiddio in Walker's Razor Walkie-Talkie Ear Pro
Thank you. I was looking at these for awhile and then stopped. I should just go try a pair on. I have the factory stock on my 870 still because it was comfortable enough when I put a better butt on it.
I agree on the advantages of being able to use any HT you desire. I shoot ambidextrous as well so the option to switch sides would be sweet. The FRS side might be really nice for off-road groups and maybe even hunting parties during a a drive or something. I can see value in these in a bunch of scenarios. Kids would love them, too, I am sure. Keep them busy for hours at camp, heh.
I guess I need to start looking into these again because I can't stand earplugs.
WRTT642 reacted to RayDiddio in Walker's Razor Walkie-Talkie Ear Pro
Are they really comfortable shooting trap and sporting clays and hunting? I am an avid shotgun shooter. My most preferred firearm is my trusty Remington 870 which I use for everything shotgun, multiple barrels and extended tubes. Even have it setup for scope during turkey and deer seasons. The headset seems a little on the bulky side for this application, so hoping to be wrong here.
WRTT642 reacted to WRXB215 in Walker's Razor Walkie-Talkie Ear Pro
@WRTT642 Those are cool. I'd like to get a pair some day but I have other purchases that are ahead of that for now.
WRTT642 reacted to WRYZ926 in Walker's Razor Walkie-Talkie Ear Pro
I didn't care for a boom mic that is only held on by velcro. That is the only thing I could find where I could put the boom mic on the right side. I ended up buying a headset designed from the get go for active ear protection and coms. Plus I can hook up any HT I want to and am not stuck with just FRS.
Nothing wrong with the Walker FRS radio and Razor head set if that suits your needs. The setup definitely works if one is okay with FRS only and having the boom mic on the left side.
WRTT642 got a reaction from PRadio in Walker's Razor Walkie-Talkie Ear Pro
Just got these ear pros with the walkie-talkie attached to them. These things are pretty cool. One of my other hobbies that I partake in a lot is guns and shooting and wanted to get some ear pro that didnt break the bank, so I grabbed these at Sportsman. Little did I know that these radios/ear pro not only communicate with each other, but they also transmit to FRS/GMRS radios! I know, I'm slow lol. But these are pretty cool. I was able to transmit to a Baofeng GMRS radio with no issue and the audio is really clear. Seeing as I only have one pair, I have not been able to talk to another person with this ear pro (I know I need friends lol), but man these things are cool. Would for sure recommend them to anyone who needs hearing protection while talking with others. I know there are ways to connect your radios to these different types of ear pros, but I like this setup so much more. It is much cleaner with very little in the way and no wires hanging down. They are marketed as FRS so the power on them isnt going to get you across town, thats for sure, and you can not program them as far as I see, but it is nice for short range comms with friends and family. They are FRS so really anyone can use them.
This radio also has sub-channels that can be selected to only receive transmissions from other radios set to the same channel and sub-channel (which I think you can only do with other Walkers, still playing around with them) and they also have PRI or priority channel set-up which I think is pretty cool too. I have not tried out the VOX feature yet, but I think that might be better used for individuals who both have this same set up.
Anyone else out there have these or tried them out? I like them so far and I am going to take them to my ham club at the school and show the kids, I think they will get a kick out of them. I paid probably about $70 for them, which isnt bad for what they do. Would love to hear others input on them.
WRTT642 got a reaction from WRXB215 in Walker's Razor Walkie-Talkie Ear Pro
Just got these ear pros with the walkie-talkie attached to them. These things are pretty cool. One of my other hobbies that I partake in a lot is guns and shooting and wanted to get some ear pro that didnt break the bank, so I grabbed these at Sportsman. Little did I know that these radios/ear pro not only communicate with each other, but they also transmit to FRS/GMRS radios! I know, I'm slow lol. But these are pretty cool. I was able to transmit to a Baofeng GMRS radio with no issue and the audio is really clear. Seeing as I only have one pair, I have not been able to talk to another person with this ear pro (I know I need friends lol), but man these things are cool. Would for sure recommend them to anyone who needs hearing protection while talking with others. I know there are ways to connect your radios to these different types of ear pros, but I like this setup so much more. It is much cleaner with very little in the way and no wires hanging down. They are marketed as FRS so the power on them isnt going to get you across town, thats for sure, and you can not program them as far as I see, but it is nice for short range comms with friends and family. They are FRS so really anyone can use them.
This radio also has sub-channels that can be selected to only receive transmissions from other radios set to the same channel and sub-channel (which I think you can only do with other Walkers, still playing around with them) and they also have PRI or priority channel set-up which I think is pretty cool too. I have not tried out the VOX feature yet, but I think that might be better used for individuals who both have this same set up.
Anyone else out there have these or tried them out? I like them so far and I am going to take them to my ham club at the school and show the kids, I think they will get a kick out of them. I paid probably about $70 for them, which isnt bad for what they do. Would love to hear others input on them.
WRTT642 reacted to WRYZ926 in Walker's Razor Walkie-Talkie Ear Pro
I looked into getting one of those for my Razors. Two things stopped me from buying it. One, it is only FRS and Two the mic won't work for left handed shooters.
WRTT642 reacted to SteveShannon in Walker's Razor Walkie-Talkie Ear Pro
The “sub-channels” are achieved by using CTCSS tones or DCS codes. Those are fairly standardized so you should be able to use them with any other FRS or GMRS radio. Just bear in mind that anyone listening without tones or codes set will be able to hear your conversations. It’s not secure.
Nor will the 2 watts instead of 5 watts make a huge difference. The thing you can’t do is communicate through a repeater.
WRTT642 reacted to LeeBo in Baofeng 5rm ar-5rm difference?
I just received my AR-5RM yesterday. I can confirm it works on HAM and GMRS frequencies. It also received air / police bands and works with Chirp.
What I can't believe is that this a 10W radio. The reason I say that is because all I did was add a Nagoya 771 antenna to it and I was hitting a repeater some 25-ish miles away (I was told my transmissions were crystal clear) but with a couple other 10W radios with the same antenna I couldn't hit the broad side of a barn. I was sitting on my front porch in a neighborhood surrounded by oak trees.
WRTT642 reacted to SteveShannon in Baofeng 5rm ar-5rm difference?
Don’t overthink it. Buy one and use it. Your hands-on use will tell you more than our analysis ever could.
WRTT642 reacted to WRXB215 in Baofeng 5rm ar-5rm difference?
Possibly the wisest thing ever said on any radio forum. 👍
WRTT642 reacted to WSEW200 in Hello!
Recently licensed newb here - in So Cal. Like most newbers, just starting out with a couple of budget HT's, but looking to set up a base and mobile in the near future. Am able to connect to repeaters within range of my HT. Lots to learn but getting there. Cheers!
- Jim