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simplex user, using travel tone on repeater input frequency



We have a repeater and for the past 6 months we have been having a group coming up on our Travel tone. We have tried to communicate with them, to inform them their radios are improperly set up, or they are using our repeater when it sounds as simplex would be sufficient, but no answer. Most of their interfering comms are incomplete and they could not be communication effectively through our repeater, which leads us to believe they are conducting simplex comms on the repeater input frequency and using the Travel tone. They are moving marine vessels and sound as they are on the same vessel, which means no repeater is necessary. As I said we have tried to communicate with them through the repeater, So should we try simplex communication on the repeater input frequency with an HT connected to our repeater feedline? We will have to catch them and then shutdown repeater and make connections to an HT already programed for this event. Anyone have any other ideas or comments?

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I had a similar issue recently. I kept hearing transmissions that appeared business related. I assume a hotel, as they were mentioning different "floors". There's no where near (although perhaps not near) with floors except hotels. I tried politely questioning about using it for business, because it seems simplex is just fine. But, I never got a response. I don't know if it was the PL or just ignoring.

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I only monitor our repeater input. I have no idea if others have done such on other inputs. I was not aware of people setting up simplex on the input side, as I recall it is not allowed. I am prepping a radio that should allow me to establish at least one way comms, "Announcement" Hopefully they will respond with some excuse so I know why this happened. I don't expect a response, but maybe they take our travel tone out of their set up.

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I listen in on some local 2m and 70cm repeaters (no TX) and noticed a couple are programed for various announcements such as if the PL is incorrect, frequency or other statements. I think that's a nice idea if word can't get out otherwise. Well, not saying word can't get out.

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Years ago, the FCC approved maritime "port operations" on UHF channels with non standard repeater pairs. some of these operations are simplex as well. It is all supposed to be low power.(2 watts) Some of the frequencies are in the GMRS band. It is not unusual for cruise ships to be on these frequencies. 


If you call the ship on the radio, be polite and simply indicate interference and request the vessel name and or to talk to the captain to get company contact information. Be sure to ID your GMRS station properly. Use simplex, don't use their input frequency! Mostly I  would listen for clues as to what ship it is coming from and contact the IT or Telecom director at the Cruise company by writing a letter (and CC your local FCC field office) and simply request the use an alternate tone.

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There you are. I am hopeful this issue is resolved, has been close to a month since this group has interfered. When the party would start their comms. I would shut down the repeater and use my height and yagi antenna to hone in on their general direction. I Then made several public service announcements.  I have not even heard them on the input at all. so they either out to sea or they got the message.  I hope you are well, William, Best Regards

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Guest spd641

There you are. I am hopeful this issue is resolved, has been close to a month since this group has interfered. When the party would start their comms. I would shut down the repeater and use my height and yagi antenna to hone in on their general direction. I Then made several public service announcements.  I have not even heard them on the input at all. so they either out to sea or they got the message.  I hope you are well, William, Best Regards

I am doing fairly well day to day.I think you may have resolved the issue.I hope to get back on here more but I missed a whole year of being able to do much so I am going to take it a day at a time and try to have some fun in the meantime...William

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Good to hear you are getting back into the game. I will be rootin for ya. Yes, it looks as  if our uninvited visitors have reprogrammed and or moved along. We are in our heat and rainy season, so I am prepared they may have just left the area for cooler weather, we will have to see. Will be awesome having your input here at MyGMRS, Best regards mate...

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