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Open Club  ·  10 members  ·  Free

Missouri GMRS


About This Club

For All Missouri and Non Missouri GMRS Operators

  1. What's new in this club
  2. I am in Lincoln County MO.
  3. Actually Omaha, Neb. But we have a family condo in Branson. So we are down in the Ozarks frequently - mainly summers and holidays.
  4. I am in Poplar Bluff Missouri.
  5. Yeah he basically killed 2 birds with one stone. When he went after our Facebook account
  6. I’ve also lost my facebook account because of a hacker who hacked my account and my bank account so please everyone watch out for scammers after two times is enough for me
  7. My Facebook account was hacked and so I had to delete my account. I won't be making another account ever again. Tired of fb. Not only that the hacker stole $100 from me. That was enough to leave fb.

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