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A few personal photos from when I was an Electromagnetic Spectrum Authority and lived in NYC. I was one of the few people that had carte blanche access to almost any rooftop or tower in the country. Some of my other favorite skyscrapers in NYC for radio communications (roof tops that I also managed) were:

Citicorp Center WHQ - 153 E 53rd St. - 915' AGL
Chase Manhattan Bank WHQ - 1 Pine St. - 853' AGL
Chemical Bank WHQ - 270 Park Ave. - 747' AGL
The GM Building - 767 Fifth Ave. - 705' AGL
Citicorp Court Square - 2501 Jackson Ave - 685' AGL
One New York Plaza - 1 South St. - 630' AGL
The New York Palace - 455 Madison Ave. - 593' AGL
Confucious Plaza - 33 Bowery - 460' AGL
  • Album created by rich2741
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