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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/08/14 in Posts


    Shack Photos

    Cool Setup. Love the pea shooter....lol... I have in my car a tm700d kenwood dual bander and Uniden digital scanner. pics to come soon.
    1 point
  2. zap

    Shack Photos

    When I had a shack at home…it consisted of a VHF Motorola GM300 (I later traded that radio for a UHF GM300 to fix a GR300 so I went to a VHF Maxtrac), an Icom F221s, and I had a surplus Dell running Mint 14 with a Cinnamon desktop. The Maxtrac went to a Tram station antenna on a 10 ft pole outside and the F221s went to a dipole I had taped up in the closet. Now my mobile shacks…are a slightly different story. Both are in the middle of some upgrades though. My daily driver… http://i1245.photobucket.com/albums/gg586/zap_uh_lack/Mobile%20Uploads/50F9BE84-84CA-4BFB-9261-B55BA727E425_zps28rilj0v.jpg A Yaesu FT-2990 (on the dash, it's replacement is sitting on the console, Vertex VX-5500). A Icom F221 (Probably going to be replaced with a Kenwood TK-880H) I'm pinching pennies for a console. I'd still have a Motorola GTX, a VHF/UHF crossband repeater (I'm thinking either A) cross banding the Vertex and Kenwood or adding a SM120 and cross banding it to the Vertex), I've got a Kenwood TK-690 with remote head but I think I'm going to go with a 25 year old Motorola Syntor that I recently acquired (they only made 1200 of them), and I've been debating a VHF packet/aprs radio. Ideally I'd like to wire most everything into a common mic switch. My Jeep [http://i1245.photobucket.com/albums/gg586/zap_uh_lack/Mobile%20Uploads/F4739079-FEBB-4B5E-AD2E-2FE7FC6E421E_zpsg3c7s6oc.jpg http://i1245.photobucket.com/albums/gg586/zap_uh_lack/FD173CE2-A804-45B5-9EC1-BE7A5501CADC_zpskfezggfr.jpg This one has a Anytone dual band (the radio is actually under the back seat), a Cobra 25 and a APRS SM50 in the back (wired into the ignition of course). The Anytone is coming out…I'm going to grab a remote mount VX-6500 I have (the Vertex version of the Kenwood TK-790) and swap the remote portion over to a VX-5500 and then use one of my NIB M1225's for UHF. Update: Found these on my Youtube channel. Apparently I never took any photos but I do have video. They were running on a scrapped PC power supply.
    1 point
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