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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/23/14 in Posts

  1. firefighter2

    New Repeater??

    Good Afternoon I am looking to setup a new repeater and will most likely be using Kenwood Mobles, Any advice or Equipment requirements that need to be considered. Thanks in advance. WQVA584
    1 point
  2. Here is a video I shot of CP Rail's Christmas Train pulling into the Union Depot in downtown St. Paul, MN, last Friday night: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GSBSINSFs14&hd=1 Enjoy!
    1 point
  3. I figure it's like the GMRS rules, where we, the licensees mainly keep the hobby in check. With MURS, no one going to even know how or that they should complain....not many people could/would even realize someone is using 5 watts versus 2, and probably wouldn't care anyway. Can't imagine the FCC caring at all, since they don't tend to want to keep FRS-ers off of GMRS for us. I'm in a semi rural area, used to hear more on .600 and .570 than I do now. I think alot of drive through's have switched to digital systems, seemed to be alot of them using these freqs in years past. I know that one business around here used to have .600 in their 45 watt mobiles. When they converted to narrow for the rest of their system, .600 came out of the programming and a newly licensed itinerant went in it's place, so they are legal now. They never had a license for .600 anyway, my source said they started using it in portables many years ago to coordinate with a contractor and just never stopped...ended up in mobiles...and through changing people overseeing radio for them, the upkeep and legalities got lost in the shuffle. They are square now, but it just shows how things get forgotten about and companies end up getting fined...all because people changed jobs, left, ball got dropped, no one paying attention. And for every one that gets fixed, there is probably 10 more not. I worked for a radio shop years ago, so I learned the right way.....follow the rules, and it's no one's fault but your own if you don't.
    1 point
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