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Showing content with the highest reputation since 03/13/24 in Image Comments

  1. Lscott

    You'll end up like me with a bunch more radios in your collection. It's addictive.
    2 points
  2. Oh cool. I've ridden a friend's Corsa... great fun. we use GMRS HTs on our group trike rides to keep track of our riders when we have 8 - 12 riders. Works great for letting multiple people in the group know about upcoming turns or hazards, and if everyone made it through the light and such.
    1 point
  3. Thanks for feedback! My first two GMRS mobile radios where Radioddity DB25-G's. While I wanted one as a base station and the other as a mobile, I decided to configure them both as a mobiles for flexibility. I added the external speaker to the DB25-G because my old-ears were having problems recognizing individuals' voices using the DB25-G's built in. So later when I decided I wanted GMRS mobiles in both cars I bought the KG-XS20G+ to serve as my new base station. Keeping with my flexibility strategy, also configured it as a mobile. BTW.... I'm a fellow 'bent rider! I'm currently riding a Bacchetta Corsa, but got my start with a Vision R40 with USS.
    1 point
  4. I have that power supply and that radio (the Radioddity db25G) Don't have the speaker... and have the cupholder on order (supposed to arrive today). Isn't that second photo a different radio? It is a Wouxun.
    1 point
  5. KevinJ


    Very nice! I am also thinking of getting one of those and some radioddity brand units, mobiles, and handhelds!
    1 point
  6. I got mine today, just reading the owner manual and checking out the functions , it has a lot of great features, I will let you know what I think of it in a few days or weeks!!
    1 point
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