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    East Tennessee

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  1. Why can these radios support 5 watts of output but can't do repeater access? Anybody else think this is a waste of hardware?
  2. I love MDC. All of my radios do it. I wont buy a radio and use it on GMRS unless it does MDC. I've also got a Kenwood TK-3312 which does both MDC1200 and Fleetsync. MDC can do alot of other things besides PTT ID. I have seen a list that consists of Stun, Kill, Revive, Radio Check. Anybody know what all of that means? I only use it for the PTT ID cause i like the sound. Also since this topic is here, Does anyone know of a UHF mobile radio that is capable of 50 watts of output AND has MDC? The closest i have found are 45 watts.
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