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Posts posted by gcoleman

  1. Thanks for the replies! I've actually installed a strategically placed 'mobile' antenna (small 5" wire antenna) above my roofline that works well. It's right next to an approved HDTV antenna and is so small that you can't really notice it! We'll see how long that lasts! Since my area is elevated in relation to the Tucson valley, I have a small advantage. Anyhow, my ultimate goal is to move to a non-hoa community which will solve many of those issues. For now, I'm hitting the local repeaters and getting good simplex range as well. I like that I can communicate with my son when he treks into the desert near my home. Cell phones are good but there's nothing like instant communication! I don't plan on getting into the other bands but I do remember how I used to marvel at my granddad's HAM equipment that could reach to other countries! I also want to say that I think this is an awesome website with great info (especially repeater info) and have to really say 'hats off' to the creator! I'll be a member as long as the site is around. thanks again for the input folks - it's nice to have people with knowledge that I can turn to when I need help!

  2. Just wondering if anyone might have an update to FCC GN Docket 12-91 which was is/was related to an effort by the FCC to collect info on HOA antenna restrictions from the general public. I found a few forums that discuss the topic but the posts are more than a year old. It was around that time that the submission period had closed but I can't find anything what-so-ever on the outcome or even the current status. The FCC doesn't have any further info either (at least not on their website). My feeling is that it's completely 'dead in the water' so to speak. Just curious as I do live in a H.O.A. community.



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