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Posts posted by deanq

  1. A few months late on this one...

    The only way it could possibly work is if one organization issues the radio ids, and operates the network (ONE SINGLE NETWORK), hopefully in tier 3. Otherwise I fear it would just be doomed to become the same fractured mess that digital modes are in ham radio. Even if the current standards don’t allow for it, whatever form it takes in the future would still need to adhere to the sprit of those regulations.


    I think you may have a conceptual misconception of digital and GMRS. This isn't ham radio, with international linking. No radio id issuing is required for a repeater to work. You can utilize id's but not required.

    I do not foresee digital anytime soon for GMRS. The gears of government grind too slow. JMHO


  2. That FCC publication strongly implies that part 90 radios may be used on part 95 without specific certification; it also implies that 90/95 dual service certification will continue to be available.

    I disagree with the part about part 90 radios are "legal" to use for part 95. Their (FCC) statement about the Boufang (sp?) debacle was to make it clear that "IF" a part 90 radio was submitted, it would be considered for part 95, unlike the part 90/frs/ham radios (they won't be considered).

    Regardless, I don't think anyone would find fault with using a part 90 radio on GMRS. :) 

  3. Hi all,

    One thing I've noticed in my area is that I can hear certain repeaters (I assume that's what they are) issuing their FCC ID broadcasts every 10-15 minutes as they are mandated to do...


    Are you sure your listening to GMRS repeaters? There is no requirement for GMRS repeaters to ID. They "can" ID, but aren't required to. You may be hearing an amateur radio or commercial repeater. You may want to verify the frequency your listening to.


  4. I have two of these radios and have done some preliminary testing. I am a ham operator, and a member of our local ARES/RACES and NET/CERT organizations.


    In my test rig, I used an inline power and SWR meter and tested the units with both the stock antenna and a J Pole that that I with my VHF/UHF rig. 


    VHF power: 2W/5.4W,  SWR (with J pole): 1.1 to 1.5 across the band

    UHF power 1.75W/5W, SWR (with J pole)  1.1 to 1.7 across the band


    RIF - Reading is fundamental. ;)

  5. CURRENT    FCC Part 95 Rule 95.631 (e) -   "No GMRS or CB transmitter shall employ a digital modulation or emission."

    Disallows it, While FCC Part 95 Rule 95.635 allows it, as well as 95.637 and 95.639 and probably others. JMHO I could be mistaken. :rolleyes:

    "A single channel containing quantized or digital information without the use of a modulating sub-carrier, excluding time-division multiplex"

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