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Everything posted by WRVV250

  1. Hello, and happy new years. I own a Midland MXT275 and have been experiencing issues with the receiver. After a lot of searching over the last year I have found this problem to the extreme which I am experiencing is rarely seen but it does exist. For some radios, the picket fencing while moving at any speed renders the radio unintelligible for any channel including WX frequencies. I have changed my terrain, surroundings, speed, antenna, cables, vehicle, and did a side-by-side comparison with another midland handheld and did not have this problem. The radio may be defective but Midland has said they will not replace it as I had another defective one replaced as it would not Tx. Long story short, I cracked the radio open today and saw this interesting screw that looks like a potentiometer in the circuitry. I am not an electrical engineer, but have a primordial understanding of electronics however I lack the in-depth knowledge and tools to properly figure out what this thing does and if perhaps it contributes to my problem. This is a last resort attempt at salvaging this radio. Any insight is apreciated!
  2. That would be a good idea. What if I make it to where the all thread is not grounded whatsoever/totally isolated?
  3. I have had the garble either way, can’t seem to solve it by positioning.
  4. Thank you for the input!
  5. Howdy y’all, I made a high mount for my midland 6dB gain antenna for the back of my Jeep to get rid of this weird garble that happens while driving. I thought it was rf from the engine (part of it was) but now I think it’s picket fencing but it’s particularly prominent with weaker signals so I’m not sure, but that’s not my question right now. Take a look at the picture attached please. The all thread rod is grounded so I suppose it acts as a vertical dipole now. Does the length of said all thread rod matter? Either way, is my current setup going to hurt me at all? Thanks in advance, I appreciate you!
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