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Everything posted by WRWU395

  1. The volume is also low on FM stations.
  2. Neither headphones,nor , reset all cured the problem.
  3. I will try both....thank you.
  4. I have a pair of GM-15pro radios. one of them now has only very low volume,as if all the volume was turned down and will not increase. Any ides how to fix, or throw away?
  5. Thank you to SShannon who got me thinking in the right direction out of the box. The DIY channels are the modifiable channels for repeaters with the .009 software. There is NO mention of, let alone any instructions on DIY channels in the manual or on line for either the Baofang or the Radiodity radios. I wish the others here today had chimed in at the beginning of my post with your helpful replies. It would have saved several days of frustration with the wrong manual for the new radios software that were provided by the maker with the instructions lacking the correct method of programming the new software. Both radios are working very well now.
  6. I got it to work. The issue was that the DIY channels are hidden but active if you select one to make it a channel. No instructions. Your 100% right about ch.20. Can't be programmed but will take the info and do nothing with it. Should be locked out in the software. I made three new DIY channels which became 31-33 in the radios memory,but you have no indication they have been saved when you hit enter. I had the software write to the radio and on the 2nd try the new channels were saved. A bug there. Would go to 99% and just run forever. Radio test with the Rubber Ducky antenna will hit two of the three repeaters in my area. With the included "Long Range" antennas the seller included I can hit the third repeater that is not line of sight and 12 miles away. Sandia repeater is 16 miles away at 10,000 feet on top of the mountain and the little radio hits it like gang-busters. My signal report was very good with great audio through several repeaters out 200 miles to my East, and I was able to hit AZ with very strong signals as well. Thank you for your help guys. I think I will post instructions on how to program the new software 06.03.009 which is diff from the earlier software. Leave it to the Chinese. I still cannot find any info on DIY channels but have figured out how to use them. 73
  7. I removed the RX portion and still no contacts or repeater acknowledgement of receiving a signal from my radios. I can clearly hear stations having a QSO.
  8. Heres a few screenshots and photos. PLEASE zoom the image if need be. notice 19-21 Heres other menus for same SANDIA channel You are allowed to select the 5 KHZ but if the G R E E N button for save is pressed the voice says "canceled" According to my local clubs channel and repeater list you have to have ENCODE and DECODE PL tones programmed,as you see above. Im open to any ideas as to what to try. I can find NOTHING anywhere on DIY channels listed in the radio. The software is 06.03.009 which is NOT shown anywhere. 06.03.006 is the most recent at the Radiodity/ Boafeng site. I cannot use CHIRP as neither of the radios are listed. Baofeng/radiodity As you can see in the one image the two TX/RX freqs are the same. You cannot change them. The offset is also grayed out as are other selections which are either automatic by software or your not allowed to change them. I have a 50 Watt radio and I put in the tones and 5 Khz offset and it works perfectly. Been able to hit three repeaters miles from my QTH.
  9. My wife is very close to a local repeater. The PL tone TX and RX is set to the local repeater and the radio is showing TX but is not working. ( not tripping the repeater ) Both radios are doing this. I'm assuming the offset is automatic as the radio will not allow change the factory 2.5 to 5 where it needs to be. You can select it but not save it. At this point I do not know what to do. The radios are as if they are in Simplex mode only and will not transmit the PL tone to activate the repeater. This is day 3 trying to get the radios to work.
  10. Thank you for the info. Being a HAM I tried to program as if the radio was a UHF/VHF HT. I programmed the two radios for my local channels and they will TX to my GMRS base station. I'm miles away from the repeaters even though I can see one of the towers,the radio will not trip the repeater. My wife will be hiking much closer today to one of the repeaters and will try to contact me at my QTH if she can trip the repeater with the HT. It says 5 Watts but in real life it will be closer to 3.5 Watts if that.
  11. I saw the post from last September. No help there. I bought two Baofang GM-15 Pro radios and the programming cable with the 12303 chip in it. It will talk to the radios with no problems. The problem is the radio will not except any additional info for DIY/ RPT channels or repeaters. In the soft ware the Freq STEP is set to factory 2.5 and I need 5.00. If I select the 5.0 and the green enter button the radio says "canceled" If I'm using the software screen ( as in the Sept post ) the Freq Step is Grayed out and cannot be turned on with no listed option to turn it on. It WILL allow you to change it in VFO mode but the radio is programmed from the factory to not TX if anything is changed / added in the VFO mode! The radio list a DIY mode with no instructions anywhere I can find. ( Do It Yourself ? ) I'm at my wits-end after hours trying to program one repeater two miles away with no luck. The radio will not accept inputs that are needed. Any ideas how to get these radios to work?
  12. I just bought two Baofang GM-15 Pro radios and have been trying to program at least one repeater channel and have not been able to do so. The manual leaves a lot to be desired on instructions which are poorly written. There are features on these radios which are not covered in the manual such as DIY (?) channels. Or how to change the power out from Low to High Watts at the appropriate freqs. I found out how to do this by chance. When it comes into entering a new freq to program a reapeater Chanel there is no menu listed in the menu for the input of a New Memory freq, "enter these two numbers in the menu " which is the only way to enter new data and the wrong menu pops up....worse yet you do get the correct menu item and enter lets say, the offset freq, and the radio says "denied " Never have I seen instructions so poorly written for step by step input of data into a radio. I had three other friends try on a Zoom meeting to help program these radios and we as a group could not get the radios to accept all the data needed to program one reaper. I ordered a programming cable with the correct chip in it and I'm hoping I can use these radios in the field soon.
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