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  1. Hi, just turned on new EVX-R70 repeater to program and the fan is more than a tad obnoxious. I don’t have a dedicated shack or rack closet, so the noise will be a problem. I cracked the case and it appears to be a fairly standard 12VDC 120MM box fan with a 4 wire/ 4 pin connector. can anyone think of a reason why I can’t swap this out for a low noise computer fan? This repeater won’t be driven hard, so heat dissipation isn’t a huge concern? I haven’t seen this pin config before, so may have to experiment if requiring. Has anyone done this?
  2. Thank you . This was the solution.. It has a weird USB Network adapter, and required a fixed IP which I could not alter, and which conflicted with a fixed IP device on my network. I unplugged the network cable from my computer, and it allowed me to connect to the repeater ? I programmed a single mixed mode channel. thanks dan
  3. Ok, one crisis addressed.. I did have an older PC, and was able to run this software.. but now, the repeater won't connect... I have two different cables I purchased, and neither of them seem to work. I don't see the COM Port setting usually seen with Vertex software, and in device manager - I don't see any com ports registering when I plug in the USB cable... thoughts? ... the repeater was indeed connected with power on, and running for several minutes In case there was some boot up procedure.. also restarted software after repeater was connected and running to see if it had to be connected at boot.. didnt make a difference.
  4. HI, I am trying to run this software, and getting an error when I try to lauch it.. I am running Win 11, but even trying to run in Win 7 compatibility mode and running as administrator don't help... Any advice.. don't have a bunch of old windows boxes laying around unfortunately?
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