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Everything posted by WRQG930

  1. I'm gonna pull on this thread. The prepper guys (probably all of us, to some extent) who awaken from their dream of cheap radios and go buy super-hot encrypted sexiness DID NOT (emphases placed out of a personal need to be annoying) walk into a store front and buy with cash. The bank spies on you. Stores spy on you. Every purchase you make is documented. So it doesn't make a lot of sense to build up your high-speed-operator kit at all. When SHTF the PTB will go looking for radios. They suspended ham radio during ww2. They'll suspend the internet as well.* So the el-cheapo throwaway radio is nice to have because you can hide coupla dozen in a hole somewhere. And instead of using encryption algorithms- use one-time pads and call out like a numbers station. Depending on whizbang gofast tech is the opposite of good. Especially when the procurement of said tech is tracked and catalogued**. * Its easier to do than you think. ** If you think you aren't being watched: you're correct. But everything you do is stored away on a server. Every government does this to every connected citizen on the planet.
  2. You can use svxlink on a raspberry pi (if you can find one?) and a behringer UCA222 (for audio) to link two repeaters directly. SVXLink is really really good- but it is not easy to use. The developers recently added svxreflector, so you could build a network. Again, its not easy to setup but its very very powerful. If you go this route let me know- i'm going to be building a linking system for my repeater and will run a reflector. I don't know who i would link with at this point tho.
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