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  1. If I still had kids at home, I would buy them GMRS radios instead of cellphones. A heck-of-a-lot cheaper now! I knew a family with 5 kids, years ago before cellphones, where the parents both had their ham license. They had a rule for the kids that before they could get their Driver License, they had to have their amateur radio license. They strictly enforced it - all of the kids became hams!
  2. I was just looking at Part 95 this morning because of the same issues. I'd like to (fill in the blank) the manufacturers for adding all the beeping noises to the bubble-pack radios. The least they could have done was leave them all off and make the users figure out how to turn them on if they thought they needed them. Aside from that I was trying to think of a way to rid the frequencies in my area of unlicensed users. A couple of problems I ran into are, 1.) you can't legally talk to an unlicensed user on the applicable frequency they are interfering, and 2.) you can't transmit one-way messages. My thought was to make a recording to play when someone unlicensed comes on, that states they are transmitting illegally, etc. Not legal to do. Oh well. I guess (while I am looking for work) I could practice my radio-direction finding. Ha!
  3. It is the same procedure. Make sure you hold the MENU button down until the radio beeps, about 2-3 seconds after the radio turns on.
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