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Everything posted by DirtyCitizen

  1. Yeah the politics in Maryland where I am now are pretty wild. My family still has a cabin in the Bull Mountains north of Billings. It'd be the perfect place for a ham tower. I hunted with my cousins quite a bit, only ever got deer, a ton of prairie dogs an unfortunately for our dog a porcupine. I lived out there till I was about 15 though.. looking back I'm not sure what my 10yo cousin or I(@13)would have done if we got an elk or bear while we were out there. Definitely miss it. My brothers and sister live out here and I haven't been able to visit since 2020 right before Covid. Things out here by DC and Baltimore are pretty on edge at the moment sure would love to move back. And all the guns in Maryland are pretty well neutered. with mag bans and HBAR reqs for any build most of what I have save a few useful pieces are antiqes, the rest stay out there and in W.Va. sorry for being a bit of an ass earlier btw. I'm hoping to get out there soon to spend some time with Family and maybe go waste some time hunting pronghorn. If I get my technicians license I might run across ya. and if you know any good places to sight in a new 6.5 Grendel build definitely let me know. I've only a 2-300yard stretch out there to work with, the Pine's gotten really thick from what I've seen.
  2. thank you that answers my question, and is aprs ok? I'm 30miles S-E of DC on Pennsylvania AVE/MD rt.4 so is aprs acceptable for gmrs seems to be a lot of traffic on it as well as MURS? and stations in between. I have Patuxent River Naval Air station, Andrews AFB and a Nuclear power plant all within gmrs distance so I would assume it would piss someone off if it were.. but I had a few Ideas about using programs like rattler or other programs that aren't really hiding anything but they would take someone more than a simple radio to quickly read and reference. I'm studying a bit more before getting my technicians license just because of where I'm at it seems pretty easy to get myself in trouble if I don't know what I'm doing. test seems simple enough but I kinda screwed up and read the army manuals first now I'm in the process of figuring out what is and isn't acceptable on different bands... You do any hunting out there in Mt?
  3. Hi, just checking back... Just wondering but you seem to know a lot. Are the people transmitting in what sounds like morse code/or really slow APRS on gmrs breaking the law and exceeding their "Limitations"? Also the post wasn't just about GMRS, though it is of interest I appreciate the earlier comments(about the Motorola in the 900Miggagodzillaherts range) and anyone's time who was trying to be helpful. Also I checked and the State department has made no such Recommendation Not to travel to NON-Hostile territories. some people here in this country have family outside of this country and traveling safely is a concern yes but so are things that smell like pooo, I'd rather clean up whatever stinks or avoid stepping in it then cutting off my own nose as your logic would suggest. I appreciate whatever it is you did there with your comment I just understand NONE of it. I'm trying here so stick with me. while I'm protecting my family and trying to move them to safety YOU from my transmission between vehicles will come down from your lizard throne(abandoning anyone/thing you care about) and set upon me some form of justice for my assumed "Bad intentions" (of feeding and protecting my family?) This is a perfect example of my query(I'm sure you didn't mean anything that bad by it I guess your dreams of living atop trash mountain as the world burns just get the best of you.) But I am more worried about Idiots trying to figure out where I'm going rather then where I have been. I don't have money for an operations command center to put in a rainy day trunk I'm just doing my best with what I have here and trying to follow the law in our often lawless country.. In terms of political tensions a single generation is VERY Soon After and I care not how you waste your time. Please try not to waste mine. and I'll show you the same respect... I guess I was simply trying to find Reason where it simply does not exist. so the people using aprs and Morse code on GMRS are doing so illegally?
  4. I really appreciate the comment about the 10 codes earlier. that was helpful. Thanks
  5. WARC bands are "reserved for non contest communications by Licensed or Amateur radio operators. your GMRS liceanse is recognized by certain countries for this band. now be very careful even though a government might say it's fine there are definitely some freqs out there who FEEL they own them. Luckily Feelings don't dictate reality. Check with your local consul government or hire a "Contractor" if you're unsure.. Please refer to the last sentence of the last message if youre going to post here please make it relevant to the above topic. thank you though, for you consideration. don't mean to sound short I just don't have a lot of time to talk about other things, I made this thread because of my concern for Safety.
  6. I don't really have money to pay "Contractors" however skilled they might be, also I still don't really want to trust someone like that with my family's safety. And I am trying to do a fair bit of planning now. I know that we've all been enjoying this long lived peace for some time but with our own government expecting the "imminent collapse of infrastructure" in most countries in the next 5 years, the next 10-20 here in America I am hoping it'll just be some dumb plan that sits in a case in my garage or trunk of my car but odds are it won't be. It really sucks to talk about and I appreciate the input, thank you. I know a lot of countries recognize the GMRS liceanse for WARC bands as well Before the 70s planning past a simple 72hour event was pretty commonplace but with communities more centered around Walmarts then churches in most of the East coast This is a trouble area in a long emergency situation. We went, in the past 80 years from Conservation of the population to continuity of government to continuity of assets to what we have now, something I really don't want to talk about because it's a Hard truth for a lot of people and hopefully just another chapter in our countries history so as we transition between the MARS era to whatever is ahead I'd like to have something in my back pocket for emergencies here in the states. out in Montana where I used to live it really wouldn't be something to cross my mind but here having to travel through Baltimore, D.C. or Richmond in any type of evacuation or movement there are a ton of Question marks and using the radio is a must in most situations.. doing so in a safe and protected manor is what I'm getting at. I know government can find you pretty easily if they need to but that isn't what I'm worried about. I'm more worried about stumbling upon a block party someone decides to throw for me if say the nuclear power plant that's 30 or so years over it's expiration decides to finally pull it's string or some other cascading event like we saw in texas but on a larger scale. If anyone out there has any useful input it would be appreciated..
  7. I get all of that and you guys are coming from an area of day to day talk and so on assuming that you have a government or responsible overarching power to come save you but I was thinking of a situation like the "Top Gear" team found themselves in when traveling through South America(their Radio traffic was observed to coordinate an attack on their convoy soon after a dispute between the UK and this other country), As Americans there are a lot of places where both the government and the people either see us as a potential payday and don't have the resources or decency to help us. Is there a shorthand that isn't widely known that's available that can be used for safety when traveling? With the majority of RF traffic being encrypted already I can't think of any reason the FCC wouldn't already have some consideration for use case in an unfriendly area. Coordination between drivers doesn't have to be rocket science but if you work for the "news" and youre an independent contractor who can't coordinate under an FCC business band while traveling or simply moving through a religious based government's country and you are not the same religion what would you guys recommend? Besides a new job or not leaving the US? In my experience traveling with a Large group leaves them with plenty of time to study things like this. it would probably make for a better and happier crew giving them something they can study that isn't in a book that might make them road-sick. I was just looking for the source material or if making it myself would be alright and if you incorporate that in your travel plan's how would you use it on the radio?(Like saying, "Lets head to location B") I know with workers/Journalists/large tour groups or military families traveling abroad DHS and our embassy tells them to communicate in code/trigger words and keep things pretty close to the chest.(not specifically on the radio) but I'm a bit new to GMRS. I've been with groups traveling in and out of country quite a bit but I never really used the CBs and other radios they had more then just in passing to talk to a family member or while driving, if anyone has any help experience on the matter please let me know. There are some places in India we traveled where it would have been pretty handy to have had something like that planned ahead.
  8. I've heard differing opinions on the topic but using codes, kinda the same way HAMs use Qcodes for shortening communications, could you integrate basic shorthand for your family into an emergency preparedness plan? I'm pretty sure if you need your Emergency plan you won't really have to much time to worry about the FCC. Practicing shorthand Like fire and rescue/police officers and so on in your family I'm thinking may be a bit of a problem because you don't have a way to post it on the web it may be considered encryption instead of data packets. I know you can send encrypted mssgs over Cellular networks and that's just a higher frequency so is it an outdated law? if you're not causing interference I don't see the problem but it seems to be a sensitive subject and in the case of say a violent mob using radio to monitor say Bernie Sanders supporters, you really can't effectively organize an egress out of a dangerous area.. and practice makes perfect so I would say the ability to practice is pretty important.. Just looking for input. and not a Mittens or B. Sanders fan.
  9. These images I created with deep AI, I started trying to make a profile picture and before I knew it hours had passed and I climbed out of the rabbit hole with some images that have to be useful for something..
  10. Saw it done out in West Virginia to coordinate the push on a hunt with everyone because we would loose signal in the valleys.. worked fine they had cheap Tenways and only one or two were reaching the guy at the cliffs. I made something like this on an antelope hunt west of the bull mountains just to get back to the camp while I was chasing a herd but the area I was heading into was gonna be a pain to get out of if I had actually bagged one that day, but I didn't. I did get a bit lost after dusk and ended up having to call for a pick up about 20mns north of Billings MT I hit the highway after 2-3 miles of hiking.
  11. if you need something quick and dirty and you're using handhelds, that have a dual channel and vox, you can just use the attachable speaker/mic trucker handles, tape that speake/mic attachment to the Transmit unit with its vox on, separate them by hanging the receive below the transmit unit(I'll put a cheep Abrrreee 42" on the receiver folded up, usually use the molle pouches and some paracord((tied to the molle pouch with a loop in the cord so the antenna stands upright)) Now fill a dirty sock with some sand and get that bad boy up a tree 50-100ft an in an ammo can with some sound insulation and a rubber ducky on the transmit unit in the ammo can with the speaker. make sure everything is secure before the erection....... for a hunt on the mountain, driving cattle or any contact over an obstruction THIS IS THE WAY...lol
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