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sonnyguz920 last won the day on April 13 2017

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  1. OK sorry. Cheap android phone. Thanks.
  2. Ask them yourself! (K0SJG / WQVB468)
  3. UPDATE:I called the FCC to ask this question and they said its NOT elegal. Only if you connect a phone to the repeater. zello is considered data that is a gray area and their are NO rules on that at this time. So until they come up with some kind if law on it it's perfectly legal to link Zello with GMRS repeaters says the FCC.
  4. Does anyone know if it's legal to link GMRS repeaters to the Zello app and create a channel? I'm starting to see owners all over doing that here in the USA and Canada. However I do think it's a good idea. If it's mainly ment to be used by family members it's great to stay in touch when out of range and in the event of anemergency.
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