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  1. I am east of Camden. Slightly north east
  2. I figured out how to get things loaded onto the radio. However programming repeaters is troublesome. It is not loading the tones,offset or direction for receive. I am using the information imported from repeater book from chirp. Back to the drawing board
  3. Yes I have pulled from the radio. I I also have figured out what o was doing wrong. But I am trying to program the repeaters I want and it is not loading the tones or offsets. Both uv5rs work on the normal frs and gmrs. I will have to play with it more. I watched your tutorial. The interface is different and I don't see a lot of options like to one you showed 2 years ago.
  4. I just downloaded CHIRP. Found the GMRS section but ot will not allow me to upload it to my uv5r. 20230821_204601.mp4 It will only allow me to program what I pulled off the radio. This chirp format is different than what I have seen on the YouTube. Any suggestions?
  5. So LMR400 it is! Thank you!
  6. Reminded me of the hoar in Blazing Saddles! LOL
  7. So if I only used the RG11 about 35 feet I would have about 1.6 to 1.7 loss? So theoretically if my antenna had a 3.5 gain with 100 feet of rg11 it would be a wash? Please forgive the ignorance on the topic. I really just want it to function. I am not really into the technical stuff.
  8. I thought linked repeaters are a no no?
  9. Anyone got a link to a coax source for LMR400? Only need about 50 feet. Also I thought about building a J pole myself. I can handle the connections just fine, but the parts sizes is what I need the info on. I also thought a bought antenna would be better. I live on a decent hill and have a pretty good line of sight from the ground. The plan is to put an antenna about 8 feet off the roof peak. I have a dish tripod that I can put a pole on almost as long as I want. I could even add wire guide lines if I wanted to go . I have use of a bucket truck. Thanks guys, AL
  10. I am looking to set up a simple base system. I have a good repeater 4 Miles away and 3 or 4 that are just out of reach for my uv5r. This is my plan so far. https://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B0BNLT88FD/ref=ox_sc_saved_image_5?smid=AA3MGRC7F9EI2&psc=1 https://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B0B38Q81NC/ref=ox_sc_saved_image_1?smid=A2NBMQOC5OUPR&psc=1 I would like suggestions for decent priced antenna and power supply. I also have coax questions. Is the link above an ok option for coax? I am a cable Tech and can get rg7 and rg11 cable. I don't suppose this would work in any way? Mostly because of the connectors I suppose? O know nothing comes cheap but... I have too many hobbies so functional but budget friendly options please. Thanks, AL
  11. Late to the party but FYI I can hit the Camden repeater with a 8w HT and a rubber duck 28 miles away. Vinalhaven is about 17 miles away wide open clear. You won't have an issue.
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