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Everything posted by WRXX268

  1. After kind of viewing the GMRS community from a far for a while, wanting to hop in with a higher wattage radio with a good set of bells and whistles, I recently purchased a Midland MXT400. The Midland website had a good sale on a bundle with everything I needed to install for only 30 ish dollars more than the 15 watt model in the same bundle. I was apprehensive about buying the MXT400 at first as I have read in several places that the 400 lacked features that without, a radio is no more than a toy. Features like split tone and wide band were often reported as missing on this radio or only programmable via PC program and cable, both of which were reported hard to find. I was willing to program with a PC and a cable and found where to get both pretty quick. The radio came and was easy enough to install. After fiddling enough with it in the PC software, I've come to find that both wide band and split tone can be accessed in the menu on the radio with no programing required. This is where my question comes in. While there are some things missing that I'd like, like tone scan and NOAA weather radio but other than that, this radio seems quite capable. Maybe it's my lack of using other radios as I am new, but I wonder why there is so much negative talk around this model. Anyone have insight?
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