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Everything posted by WRYS438

  1. I know what I was doing wrong now. Duddddd Oh well. Getting old is a bitch. Thanks much Mr. Dude
  2. I see that. But, looking at the top of that page, it has NO ... I assure that means number, then the cold is out to the right of that. Correct me if I am wrong, and I probably am.
  3. I have that list in my manual. Same thing. That still doesn't help with the manual calls for tone 311, which I cannot reach with my rig. But 42 worked great. I still do not know where you came up with that but I would love to know. Thanks again, George
  4. Greetings my friend. Just a follow up on the #42 you gave me last night. I managed to get out to the car in the rain and enter that tone. Works 100%. I still do not know how you came up with #42, but I'm so happy you knew how to do it. There are two more repeaters in this area that I hope to gain entry to in the near future. No idea what the tones are for those but I will soon. Maybe my light will come on and I will be able to understand where you found tone #42 for the 311 I had. Thanks again, you made my day. Enjoy your Sunday. George
  5. I hope not. I just purchased the radio. We shall see what happens. I will attempt to do this tomorrow. It is almost 11pm here on the east coast and the radio is in the car. I will do all that tomorrow. Thanks so much. I hope this will work and my second repeater will be active. Good night to you my friend. Thanks so much. George WRYS438 Also, K4GBS
  6. Thank you so much. I had a feeling that the number would be much lower than 311. You must have a newer manual than I have. My page 30 says, if you want accessories, go to Midlandusa.com. Again, thank you sir. I hope now I will be able to enter the code #42. George
  7. Requesting assistance with entering a tone above 300 for a local repeater. I have a Midland MXT275. I love the radio when tones are installed. I have one repeater working and it is great. The friend that put the tone in for me did it so fast I could not keep up with him. So, I ask what he did and he tried to show me and lost it. It took a while before he got it installed again. He tried to do the one I'm needing help with now but could not get it to work. Any assistance would be wonderful. I'm at a loss. Tnx, George
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