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Everything posted by Coastie1998

  1. Thanks for your response, Both radios are set to a NOAA weather station 12 miles away ( this NOAA station is used an all my weather radios, Function 07: WX-ALERT is enabled or set to on, Function 23: WX-NOTIFY is set to tone on both radios.
  2. Thanks, I understand that; however, my non portable weather alert radios in the shop and house alert with the KG-935G Plus on my belt within feet of the other radios does not. So if I understand the way NOAA alerts work, for the stationary radios to alert an alert tone is sent on 1050 HZ by NOAA which triggers the alarm? Could it be that the KG-835G Plus is not set to the 1050 HZ Freq?
  3. I have purchase two KG-935G Plus radios, tuned in the best weather freq for my area, which is Loud and Clear, set the alert feature to give and alarm, but neither radio will alert. Tried all of the choices, but nothing. Was told by the company where I purchased the radios that they will only alert for major events. Well a Cat 3 hurricane seemed to be a major event, still no alert. So what am I doing wrong?
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