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Everything posted by WRYR416

  1. Something that would be great, for Midland to do. do something about the call alert function, like to be able to turn it off, not just select different tones. It is very frustrating when i hit that button, and send the tones out over the air. I have contacted support, and received solutions. 1. go into the call alert function, and select a tone of my choice. A. Stupid answer. 2. do a factory reset. B. reset did nothing, again, a stupid answer. 3. she will ask someone in the engineering dept. C. now this is how it should have been done from the beginning.
  2. Something that would be great, for Midland to do. do something about the call alert function, like to be able to turn it off, not just select different tones. It is very frustrating when i hit that button, and send the tones out over the air. I have contacted support, and received solutions. 1. go into the call alert function, and select a tone of my choice. A. Stupid answer. 2. do a factory reset. B. reset did nothing, again, a stupid answer. 3. she will ask someone in the engineering dept. C. now this is how it should have been done from the beginning.
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