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Everything posted by duster54

  1. Thanks R... I agree with you. However, I recently joined a repeater club in my area and on my first transmission on the repeater (radio check), I was very quickly and firmly informed to turn that roger beep OFF when using the repeater. I know your feelings regarding this topic (I watched your YT video on why the Roger Beep is important). However, being a brand new member of the club, I thought it best to just go ahead and comply rather than p.o. the entire club membership from the outset. The comment from the NCO was to just use roger beeps on simplex. But there is no way to do that without having roger beeps toggled to ON, radio wide. Anyway, thanks again and thanks for all of the GREAT and informative YT videos!!
  2. I like it so far. The one thing that I wished it had was the ability to toggle on/off, Roger Beeps on a "per channel" basis instead of radio wide. Off for the channels programmed for local repeaters/clubs and then on for those simplex freqs.
  3. Yes, I was thinking the same thing. I agree, nothing in the manual about the monitor feature that turns squelch on/off. Thanks much! I appreciate it!
  4. Yea, got it. That's exactly what it is after testing it out. I don't know what the manual is talking about. Advanced Operation Monitor Monitor opens the microphone on a remote radio, forcing the radio to transmit for 15 seconds. No input is needed on the remote radio. To activate the monitor function on a remote radio, perform the following steps. From the controlling radio, transmit a DTMF sequence matching the following: MCC + DA (DTMF monitor code) +DTMF ID. Using our example, the transmitted sequence would be: 654321 DA 123456. On the controlled radio, if the received MCC matches the SCC and the DTMF ID matches, the monitor function will be activated for 15 seconds. Thanks Folks, I appreciate the help....
  5. I don't really understand what the "monitor" function on the KG-1000 Plus is all about. Reading the manual. it looks to be some sort of function to control a remote radio. I assume this has to do with the ability to use two of these radios as a repeater but not sure. If this is the case, It seems as if this is an advanced feature that I have no interest in. If the above is correct, then I'm kind of curious why something like this would be the default for the microphone PF1 key. If this "monitor" function as Wouxun calls it, is something that most folks don't use. Then I would like to know, so I can reprogram the PF1 key to something useful. Thanks in advance for any enlightenment on this topic!
  6. Thanks... Yes, I saw that video. It's a great casual review and really helped. I guess what I I looking for is a review from someone who has one of these antenna's mounted and has some user experience with it. Thanks again for the reply!
  7. New here... I'm curious if anyone has any experiences with the Midland "Bullbar" antenna's such as the MXAT03 Canyon Edge, MXAT04VP Highland Tall or the MXAT05VP Highland. I'm planning on pairing the MXAT05VP Highland with my newly purchased Wouxun KG-1000G Plus radio and would like to see if there are any user experiences. I haven't been able to find any user reviews. Thanks in advance!
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