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Everything posted by WRZA597

  1. Great info. Thanks for the feedback. The 675 repeater is permission only. Trying to gain approval.
  2. Thanks. Funny that I was just on the phone with Tanner from BuyTwoWayRadios.com and he showed me this very same line of sight tool from www.scadacore.com. I know that RF can be fickle. I may be chasing unicorns here.
  3. Yep, have already watched that one as well. Good points to consider for sure. In this crazy world we are in these days, just trying to nail down alternate communications with family who may not have their ham licenses....yet. Thanks
  4. Will do. Have already been running through quite a few of his videos. Funny guy!
  5. Thanks everyone for your time and insight. Looking forward to getting this up and running. I will follow up once things are operational.
  6. Yes, I have been watching videos on the Retevis and Midland repeater setup options. I like your suggestion of using two 50 watt radios with a duplexer. www.buytwowayradios.com has this video that walks through the setup using two Wouxun KG-1000Gs. Has anyone used this type of setup? Comments or recomendations?
  7. No tower site. Was thinking about running a mast off of my barn. I figured that a 20-30 mile range in this area would be a stretch unless I could place the antenna way up on a tower somewhere. We have family living in Concord and Landis. They are 15 and 16 miles away, respectively.
  8. Great suggestion! I will look into this. Thanks.
  9. Thanks for this suggestion. Was not aware of the stale or offline repeater option. I have reached out to the owner of the Huntersville 675 repeater and am trying to get permission, although it is just out of range unless I am in a certain area on my property.
  10. Hey everyone, I am both Ham licensed and GMRS licensed. Wanting to build a GMRS Repeater for my area for community and family communications. Looking for best practices and recommendations on equipment and setup. We live in Huntersville, NC. Near intersection of HWY 73 and Ramah Church Road. Altitude is roughly 770 above sea level. There are trees and buildings to contend with. Have looked at Retevis R97S, Midland MXR10, and the Bridgecom BCR-40DU. Need suggestions on repeater, cabling, antennas, masts, etc. Any suggestions would be appreciated. Greg - KK4OHJ, WRZA597
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