I just got My Wouxun KG-935H and It recives Just fine on Every frequency from ham all the way up to Gmrs and murs But I belive it has A Encode and Decode issue because mine will not TX on any frequency period So not everyone gets a radio that works i have had mine 1 day I have check re checked and checked again hundreds if times through Software from BTWR as well as Chirp Software Using the KG-935G Plus interface to scan it all frequencies and Tones are set Correctly all other radios tranmisit to all repeaters tested with the same PL Tones Between other radios and the KG-935H it just will not hit a repeater will not TX at all It hears fine on everything so I belive its a defective radio. I do wish that btwr had a better solution then just send jt back we will test it and if it test fine we will charge you for waiting our time and also charge you to send your radio back they assumed I was a idiot because they asked me questions like it was user error on why it wouldn't work.