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  1. i have my node number and password at the bottom of the sheet it tells you to add the following line to /etc/asterisk/iax.conf file and restart asterisk register = mynode number : mypassword@register.mygmrs.com i have no clue how to use linux
  2. im having trouble just getting the software set up for my node for the MyGmrs network I cant get the soft ware to even run. https://help.mygmrs.com/2466-help-center/5258-faq/18263-how-do-i-join-the-mygmrs-network
  3. its to connect to other networks
  4. can anyone help me. Im having such a hard time in getting my pi up and running correctly. Mainly making the changes in the software. I am no where close to having any software smarts about software..
  5. I have purchased a pi and rim maxtrac rm for my cdm 1250 repeater system and would like to get it on the net.. where can i get the software for the pi The shop says its sold out
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