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Posts posted by SimpliJoe

  1. Is there anyone else having their repeaters stuck open due to node 172/174? I'm getting extremely laggy transmissions, someone keeps connecting everything & my TX is stuck, causing the need to shut down a repeater.

  2. Alright gentlemen, I read into the URIxB's manual. Overlooked the part regarding the 6db gain amplifier. I wired this directly to 12v from the MTR. I soldered a jumper from pin 23 -> 24, changed simpleusb to pick up voice from the Right Output & still nothing. Radioguy, that sheet you saw was the System connecter J5 to the DB9 on the ICS interface board.

    Please correct me if I have this mixed up; When interfacing to a controller, does the Radio TX go to the controllers receive audio & Radio RX goes to the controller  TX audio?  Essentially Input goes to Output, Output goes to input?? I tried putting the CTCSS & Cor on PIN 8 of the URI. (Cor_Det) to no avail. 

    I will include some more pics to hopefully not confuse y'all more than I already have. When using the "flash" feature in simpleusb menu, it sounds spectacular. I'm to invested at this point to give up haha. What can I say, I like to learn. Thank you both, I hope to stop bugging you soon.


    app information].png


  3. Attempting to get it live on the net lol. I used it as a standalone repeater for months & it was great. I’ll switch it back later today & give it a go. In the 30’s here so I hear you through & through. Moved my soldering station inside as a matter of fact haha. I’m leaning towards your statement, considering no voltage at idle or keyed, & thats coming right off System Connector J5. I’ll keep you posted & I greatly appreciate everything! After attempting to find a “Aux I/O” board, I’m now wondering if there is a way to do the same functions without the board. Build a board, etc? 

  4. Radioguy, I've read every article on repeater builder, I've read the service manual, etc. I am currently using wireline for my TX/RX audio. PL isn't my problem.. Heck, I'd run carrier squelch if I could just get the dang thing to key up from a radio lol. Its gotta be something I'm wiring wrong. First time ever interfacing with an external controller (apart from 2 SM50's I had running with a ID-O-Matic. I have  COR on controller going  to B4 Carrier Detect on the MTR2K. Should I try using the COR & CTCSS on 1 pin together?

  5. Already so appreciative of the information! So the controller has output pins for both COR & CTCSS. (https://dmkeng.com/images/URIx Data Sheet.pdf) I unfortunately do not have a Wildcard board, I do however have a wireline, which I'm attempting to use for TX/RX audio. My MTR is set for Carrier & PL/DPL. I have tried using Wireline, Aux audio & wireline, Aux Audio to which none of those options have worked. I've read over the manual along with probably every link I can find relating to this haha.  MTR is set for Base operation, Aux TX Flat, I've tried using no PL tone (CSQ), & have attempted to use 100.0 for both TX & RX. Would I need to throw a resistor or anything to that effect in-line with pin B4, going to the controller? If you'd like me to get screenshots of my RSS or any additional photos/documents, just let me know. Again, thank you so much for taking the time! Side note - I have also tried using "USB" & "USBINVERT" inside the SimpleUsb.conf. I know those settings work due to the MTR staying keyed constantly if I invert the PTT, & returning to normal after switching back.

    URIxB Pinout.png

  6. I have a Motorola MTR 2000 repeater. I have an ICS Controller board in the J5 system connector, going to a URIxB via the DB-9 to DB-25, assembled by me. I've done days worth of research to no avail. The repeater & URI both show TX if I key the radio in the simple_usb_tune menu. Hitting the repeater with a HT, RX lights up but no TX on the URI or MTR. Not sure if this is RSS programming or on the URI/Asterisk side. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thank you all!

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