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Everything posted by WRZS577

  1. I tried that once with no response, but again there simply may have been no one there. Thank you for the confirmation.
  2. I know this is an old and frequent topic, but I want to ask if I've done this correctly. I'm programming this into a KG-935G Plus, and what I've set up is this: The repeater owner gave me the access tone as PL 131.8. I've uploaded this to the HT, and when I key it, I get what I believe is the squelch tail and a tone of some type. I have yet to hear anyone on it, but I understand that some are quiet. Have I set this up correctly as shown above? Ken
  3. Norton HAS become rather intrusive of late, and the overall view of Windows Defender has improved.
  4. So far the RT software seems simple and easy enough to use.
  5. That's where I got it, along with the cable driver. I work in a particularly paranoid sector of the IT field, so I decided to go with the RT software. That sort of trouble, real or otherwise, is something I'd rather avoid.
  6. I decided I wanted to play arounnd with just changing the banner display on my HT, so I figured I'd just try the free Wouxun software. Imagine my surprise when Norton flagged it for embedded malware and removed it. Has anyone else seen this?
  7. So I was presumably hearing the transmit side. I tried looking up the call sign I thought I heard, but I must have misheard as there were no results. I haven't read up on repeaters in any great detail, but is it possible to just listen to it? Other than that brief ID announcement, I heard nothing else.
  8. Hello. I've just recently acquired two Wouxun HTs, and have just now joined this forum to learn. One starter question; this afternoon I heard what was apparently a repeater on GMRS 16, announcing a callsign and its status as a repeater. What was I hearing? Looking forward to learning. WRZS577
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