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  1. I guess I'm looking for a recipe that is plug and play in order to link my repeater with the Network. I appreciate the input given by all who responded. I guess I need to do some more research. 73!
  2. Curious to link my GMRS repeater to the national network. However, I'm dumb as a box of rocks with Rasberry Pi 3 B+. Since the store is currently out of stock. I have located others on E-Bay and Amazon. Does Rasberry Pi 3 A also work with the MyGMRS software or do I need to get the 3 B+? My repeater is a BRidgecom so I assume there is a cable to plug into pi. Help!!!
  3. You can either find a used uhf repeater on E-Bay, or if you want a brand new one, I would suggest a Bridgecom Repeater. If you only want to use one antenna then the repeater will require a duplexer or use two antennas that are separated by a couple of wavelengths. Unlike amateur radio repeaters which are coordinated to eliminate interference, GMRS repeater pairs are not so you might want to do a little research on frequency pairs in your area. You will need to include either a pl-tone or digital coded squelch tones. Any user will need to have their radio programmed with these in order to access your repeater. Find a place to erect your antenna system and have fun. I currently use 20 feet of black water pipe with 2 yagi antennas which allows my antenna system some directivity. Vertex-7000 has everything you need including CW-Id'er.
  4. I tried to start a radio Net on my open repeater (Hobby Radio 650). So far I haven't had any takers.
  5. To all licensed GMRS operators: I've begun a Rag Chew Net on my Hobby Radio 650 in Rockford Illinois on Tuesdays at 8:00 p.m. Join us for some friendly conversation!
  6. Hello colleagues, I have been trying to program Vertex-Yaesu VX-2200 mobile radios and I either get a OPEN COM ERROR or COMMUNICATION ERROR. When uploading radio information or downloading, the radio display goes from SELFTEST to PCPROG to SELFTEST. The software is CE82 for Windows and the cables are what was recommended in the owners manual. These radios I purchased on E-Bay. Any suggestions? Thanks!
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