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About Rox

  • Birthday November 1

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  • Interests
    Family + Liberty + Art

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  1. -Upgrayedd- I did a thing. Going from UV-9G to a GMRS Pro. Hopefully, I’m making a good move here. Thoughts?
  2. Hey @FranktheTank I recently requested access to the Alamo Northwest repeater (Camp Bullis 625). If granted permission to use that repeater, does it give me permission to use the other repeaters in the Alamo City GMRS Network or that specific repeater, only? Thank you. -Roland [WREB878]
  3. Hello everyone! GMRS newbie here in San Antonio, Texas. Got my license back in 2019 but never really used it. Feeling it's time to seek GMRS wisdom and I heard this is the place to get knowledge and have fun in the process. Eager to learn from what everyone has to teach and hope to expand the network. Rox - WREB878 PS: I use/have BaoFeng & Midland devices.
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