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Everything posted by WSAD721

  1. I have a pair of UV-5G's that was purchased in Dec 2023. I have used both Chirp and the Radioditty Software with a Baofeng/Abbree PL2303 cable and was able to download and upload on either program successfully (using the Radioditty UV-5G setting for Chirp) and program channels beyond Cahnnel 30. However the minute I try to program anything outside the 462.xxx Rx frequency, it will load but no Tx. There is a local repeater that operates on 444.550000 TSQL 136.5 with a 5.000000 offset that I load into memory slot 37. It loaded fine with no need to use an xml editor to add anything but it won't transmit. Just for grins, I copied the preprogrammed setup for RPT-4 into memory slot 37 and low and behold, it does allow Tx. I also tried to modify the preprogrammed Repeater in memory position 24 and it allowed the change using the Radioditty software but no Tx. It definitely appears that the radio is locked in the firmware to only allow Tx on the 462.xxx Rx frequency with the 5.000000 offset or the 467.xxx Tx frequency. This is an older forum and I am a novice at this so I'm hoping someone has done more of a deep dive into the limitations of this radio but right now I am unable to program any Repeater channels and looking at my State using Repeaterbook, there are no repeaters that operate on a Rx of 462.xxx. So I really dont understand how this radio can even use a repeater. What am I missing here?
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