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Everything posted by WRZR901

  1. (EDIT: PROCEED WITH CAUTION: In my original comment I failed to mention the following: Make certain you have saved a backup image of your radio before you try this!!! Luckily, I did beforehand or i would have an $80 brick. When editing inside CHIRP Legacy for the 805-G, you are using the software to perform a task outside if it's design. I found that when copying and pasting, along with trying to clean up some weird frequencies read from channels 129, 130, CHIRP will reset some firmware settings, (I think?), and make the radio reset to all Default settings each time the radio is powered off/on, including the voice/language settings. After downloading from radio, I think the frequencies i saw, in channels 129, 130, were the settings that tell the radio where the last available slot is located. I reloaded the original .img and all was ok, back to my settings before i uploaded anything to the radio. I found that if i slowly edit each frequency, NO COPYING AND PASTING OR DELETING WEIRD CHANNELS, the radio will accept the edits without resetting to default upon each power off/on. My advice is to go slowly, enter each frequency manually, or don't attempt this at all. I was lucky. I always try to keep an archive of my equipment before doing anything software related, and i am so glad I did!) To anyone reading this as we come to a close of 2024 and enter into 2025, first off, where has the time gone??? Secondly, you need to use the Chirp-Legacy build to program the KG-805G. I tried programming via Chirp-NEXT a couple times over the last year and never could get it to work. Today, I downloaded the Chirp-Legacy build, to give it one last attempt, and was able to do all the things the other guys mentioned. Wonder why the developer didn't include the KG805G in the latest update?? Last thing, as others have mentioned, you should select KG-816 before attempting to "read from radio". This was the only option I tried and it worked as intended, so I didn't test any other models. There may be a plethora of other Wouxun models that will allow Chirp to read your radio, but try at your own risk. Thanks for taking the time to read my comment. I hope it helps a newbie like myself. -Dylan, WRZR901/ KQ4OTI "If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough." -A.E.
  2. I recently bought a Wouxun KG-1000G based on the reviews online. The radio is serving my family well. There are many other families in the area with GMRS radios. With that being said, the winter storms that rolled through this weekend have made me start thinking about a battery backup for this unit. I would like a simple lipo battery that I can hook directly to the radio zfor emergencies. Also, I would like a 48 hour run time with approx 50% duty cycle. I found a battery calculator online but can’t find the specs for the KG’s RX requirements in Amperage. I know the calculation for TX. Does anyone have a recommendation of a Lipo battery and charging system for this radio?
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