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Everything posted by wqwn657

  1. Yes I did scroll to the bottom to do that but It still does nothing. My username on the main website and the username on the forum website just wont match up no matter what I do.
  2. I did that and still not getting it to change the username here in the Forum
  3. Back again to ask this question...how to change my username in the forum? Ran into a dead end last time I asked. Does anyone know who to contact?
  4. I have no idea who that is nor how to contact them.
  5. I don't see an option to change Display Name in account settings? Am I looking in the wrong place? How to do it?
  6. For those that have asked in case you didn't find your answer, the FCC rule changes are effective September 28, 2017. Here is link to the Federal Register: https://www.federalregister.gov/documents/2017/08/29/2017-17395/personal-radio-service-reform Here is link to PDF file of the final rule FCC-17-57A1 https://transition.fcc.gov/Daily_Releases/Daily_Business/2017/db0519/FCC-17-57A1.pdf
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