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About WD5EMS

  • Birthday 05/10/1979

Profile Information

  • Location
    Round Rock, Texas USA
  • Interests
    My career is a Paramedic in the state of Texas, however I have been into Ham radio since high school 1996 when I got my Technicians license. Recently I upgraded to General to take advantage of some HF privileges and also have taken an interest in GMRS to help compensate for my non-ham friends whom aren't ready to take the plunge in studying for HAM. My favorite aspect of radio communications is the utilization of repeaters, I think they are fascinating as to how they operate. I own/operate several repeaters in the Round Rock Texas area, all of which are HAM for now, but hopefully will have a GMRS repeater up shortly.

    Tommy Taylor

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  1. Hey Zap; I did a radio trade with a guy up in Indiana. He is sending me two Kenwood TK-880's, both version 2, and one is the high power version. Im planning to eventually make a repeater out of them with the high power radio being turned down to about 25 watts. Saw you had some comments to a post regarding TK-880's. Its good to know your in Round Rock, nice to have you close by. Are you going to Belton Hamfest? If so, ill have a table inside, be nice to meet you. 73's Tommy
  2. Thanks Zap! I do plan on using a cavity duplexer with BpBr due to other uhf repeaters on the roof of this structure. Just waiting on Belton Hamfest to find one at a decent price. I use a Wacom 4 cavity for my 444.875 repeater and it gets between 95-100db of isolation so even though the GMRS repeater will only be putting out ~20 watts at the radio, I don't want to be a bad neighbor and create desense of either repeater. Glad that your local! I work nights usually at my full time job but feel free to contact me off list and perhaps we can meet up since we are close by. I live in a subdivision off Gattis School and Double Creek called Southcreek. My email address is I_do_911@yahoo.com. From there I can share my cellphone number and it would be great to meet up and have lunch and discuss radio things 73 Tommy Taylor, WD5EMS/WRAA259
  3. Hi Everyone; I'm looking at utilizing a spot of which I currently don't have a HAM radio repeater and by placing a GMRS repeater to benefit the area. Currently I only see one repeater within the vicinity of Round Rock, Texas (location of my soon to be installed repeater) however I was wondering what other repeater owners have used for techniques for deciding on what frequency pair to place a repeater. Unlike the Ham community going through a repeater coordinator, GMRS does not seem to have this as the rules states nothing about coordination but more or less a gentlemen's agreement. Outside of listening to the GMRS repeater pairs for any traffic to know what frequency pairs to avoid for co-channel interference, im not sure what the best way to go about this. My set up will be a DB 420 Omni antenna that is currently mounted on a mutli story building utilizing a short 1/2" heliax feedline to the soon to be built repeater which will be operating at 25 watts. So finding any repeaters in the Austin Metro area would be crutial to me as when I had a ham repeater that was only set to 20 watts I had a radius of approx. 25-45 miles and I don't want to create co-channel interference. Any suggestions as to how to determine what frequency pair to use? Thanks and 73! Tommy Taylor, WD5EMS/WRAA259
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