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Everything posted by AA452

  1. Thank you, thank you, thank you Rich!!! Wow and hell yeah a week is an outstanding turnaround! I was thinking IF you decided to adopt this it would be at least a few months. Thank you so so much, this is amazing. You just got another GMRS Pro (or whatever it's called) subscriber! WRUE91, thank you for your help as well, you really got me beyond excited with your KML California map. No doubt you were paramount in pioneering this idea and from messaging you it definitely shows. Thank you as well!
  2. How would one get ahold of/ message the site owner? I'm going to reach out and express my support for what you have mentioned above, and link this thread. He needs to know the greater GMRS community would benefit from / and is looking for a KMZ solution like this. I saw that the paid subscription allows you to generate .csv files for use in chirp, so he already has some sort of code that exports into that sort of format, it would just be adding the coordinates and system access (open/private) to it as well.
  3. I actually have a full sized CB radio in my car, and a 3' fiberglass antenna popping out of my roof. I've daily driven my car like that for the past 8 months actually haha
  4. I'm jumping up and down giggling right now after opening your Pcalifornia.kmz file in google earth. My god this is better than I expected, and color coded for open repeaters. How did you compile this data? Do you work for mygmrs? I like the idea of having a kmz file for each individual state, also having a kmz file is better too. I use a offline maps platform called osmand which is ridiculously powerful and incredibly feature and rich, and nearly every single option, map display, etc is customizable. And it's all offline. With this KMZ I can import it into that so while I am navigating I'll be able to see the repeaters nearby visually, something you cannot do in something like google maps or waze. I'm just awestruck because this has absolutely exceeded what I thought of being able to do. If there was a (free) or "pro" paid feature in the mygmrs app or website where you can download the kmz file database by state, and it's updated and recompiled the same way the app and map feature is, it's something I'd pay for, and maybe a few others as well. Very interesting. Thank you for your insight! Wow this thread has blown up a little, I'm glad this is getting some attention and stirring up some ideas among all of us Thank you everyone!
  5. Do you have 2 mobile radios in your car? Like one for scanning and the other for main talking on? I'm thinking of doing this in my car for my trip. I also have a CB Radio which is rarely used in the midwest where I live, but cross country may be more useful.
  6. This is actually great advice, and I didn't know that 141.3 is the national travel tone, although it makes sense because many of these repeaters I am adding to my database use 141.3.
  7. I will be avoiding main highways, the idea here is to take a muli-month trip looking into all the nooks and crannies of the country, while seeing things you won't see on a regular highway trip just passing through. Call up on a repeater nearby and let them know where I'm from and where I'm traveling to and ask for any input on what's to see around in the local area, or anything to avoid. I already am planning on doing this sort of thing (it will be absolutely insanely tedious) using my offline maps software OSMand. I know the update wouldn't be done in time for me, but I think this sort of thing would benefit many others in the future, not just for the scope of application such as the trip I am taking. I also have the ability to just scan on the repeater frequencies around me, and scan for the tone it is outputting as well, so it's still possible to tap into repeaters without a database, it just takes longer and I may find some repeaters people aren't too happy about a stranger hopping on their repeater.
  8. Hello all, I'm relatively new to this forum and will be taking a road trip across the Americas here in about a month. Something I'm interested in trying is doing mostly the whole thing disconnected from the internet Mixing the ways of the old pioneers of route 66, who had no google maps to find gas stations and food etc. and the new ways of central vicinity communication, CB Radio (however little it used now and offers little range) and more importantly to me, GMRS Radio for it's obvious benefits But not so new that I'm using google maps for my every turn, gas stop, restaurant, and sleeping location. Basically turning my cell phone off, and hitting the road to disconnect from the greater cyclone of the internet and global communication, and really exploring America at her roots All while accessing this 'underground' network of repeaters to stay in local vicinity communication on my trip. I say underground because if you were to explain the GMRS repeater network to someone who is not a radio head like us, they would probably see it as some kind of off grid underground communication channel thing. And I think that's pretty cool. So being in the app, if there was a way to simply hit "download offline information" (would maybe take a few hundred Mb) then when I turn on the GPS on my tablet, it doesn't need to query an internet server to find repeater results near me. Because it can simply query the offline downloaded database of GPS coordinates of repeaters. I think this would also have massively beneficial implications in times of national emergency, say if there was a need to evacuate an area due to natural disaster and power and cell towers are down, and you had to drive to the next state over, having an offline available app for us GMRS operators to use and find repeaters would be hugely helpful. Please give any thoughts or comments on this idea below, all constructive criticism is welcome!
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