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Everything posted by WSAV277

  1. Not sure if this is the place to post but curious about those of you familiar with being granted permission to install a repeater on an existing communications tower and what kinds of towers groups/clubs have been successful in obtaining permission to do so and what is all involved. I’m sure “rent,” and contributing to power source seem likely but I’m more interested in finding out the process about finding a tower to do so and permit(s) if at all are necessary. FCC issues, etc. Thanks.
  2. So why would they list the rx and tx tone of it isn’t necessary? This is one of two repeaters in my area and they are on different frequencies. I also had to add the 5MHz
  3. As I got roasted on my first post, wouldn’t be tradition if a noob didn’t end up that way but here is another der de der question. I finally got the kerchunk I was looking for from a repeater in my area but ONLY after I turned off the receiving tone. Can you please tell me why you only get the kerchunk with receiving tone off and not with it on? Haven’t had a chance to do a physical test yet with my pair of radios but with no kerchunk with them both on, does it still communicate without hearing the repeater tail squelch? And yes, I went through the settings on my radios (uv5g plus) and made sure that they were not programmed to tune the squelch out after transmission so both should be able to hear the kerchunk but they don’t unless the rx tone is off. Thanks!
  4. As the title says, I’m sure it is because, as notarubicon says, use your google machine which has failed me. I’m 100percent a noob, and without further ado, are frequencies 463,464,465 and 466 and all of the corresponding numbers after the decimal point not gmrs channels? Or are you only allowed to use the designated channels that apparently come preprogrammed on a legitimate gmrs radio the ONLY frequencies you can use? Are we really only limited to these channels/ frequencies between 462 and 467 that you can find the list of anywhere on google? Like I can’t use 463.5550, 464.2725 etc as examples? Go ahead and roast me, I’m here to learn, and we don’t learn unless me make a mistake and I’m sure I’ve probably made the dumbest one by even asking. Thanks
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