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Everything posted by Usmc1968

  1. Post (if you want) the pictures if have printed anything cool for radios, etc. I have seen some exoskeletons that I am fiddling with, kind of like a case for your smart phone.
  2. Hahahaha must have been, because it was clean as a whistle. Darn quality control these days
  3. I got mine (2x) in the mail last week and just for kicks gently twisted one of the antennas. ZERO glue, came right off.
  4. Printed some cradles for my 2 new BTECH GMRS-Pro's. Show us your GMRS related 3D prints
  5. I am a noob and endorse this response
  6. I am brand spanking new (still have the Friggin new guy smell) to GMRS and looking at the Wouxun KG-X20G Plus and BTech GMRS-50V2 for home/vehicle use and a pair of BTech GMRS-Pro's. I greatly appreciate these forums! Semper Fi
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