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Everything posted by WRJZ939
Used my fiber laser to engrave my call sign on my GM-30 belt clip. I'm not trying to drum up business. Unless you can drive to my front door with a smile and a handshake and a beer I ain't taking on any work.
Yep. There is usually a statement in the FCC ID's from the manufacturer saying X is representing us, etc. etc. etc. I have watched so many testing videos and while I agree that makes for riveting commentary I question some of the test equipment or whether it has any calibration standard. I own a 50 or 60 year old vacuum tube tester that I use but it hasn't been calibrated in forever so I don't know exactly how accurate it is. Just a comparative statement. And I've also seen plenty of videos where people have no test equipment validation that declare whether a radio is clean or dirty. It's a jungle out there.
There are a lot of folks who shake down radios with test equipment, and for that I am intrigued and grateful. But when it comes to purchasing equipment, all I own is an SWR and power meter and I'd be willing to bet a lot of people don't own that much test equipment. So I really have to take it on faith that the manufacturer testing and FCC certifications have to cover my buying decisions. I don't in any way shape or form want to use a dirty radio and spew spurious emissions all over the place but I really don't know if I'm doing it or not. I suppose I could semi-test with an RTL-SDR or something. The day someone walks up to me and says "when you key up, my TV goes bonkers" is the day I'll stop using that particular radio. I know there are strong opinions on non-compliant radios but if I buy a radio and the FCC ID data says it is complaint and certified that is all I have to work with (mostly). Not trying to stir up hate and discontent but just my opinion on the matter.
Dropped my TD-H3 review https://hagensieker.com/2024/04/27/tidradio-td-h3-review/
Awesome. Thank you, Sir.
Does anyone here own the GMRS version of the TIDRadio TD-H3? And, yep I know that the H3 can be put in three different operating modes. I own the H3 and am working on a review and notice that they specifically sell a GMRS version. Best I can tell the FCC ID of that is also: FCC ID:2A4FBTD831 Looking to see if the GMRS advertised version has a different FCC ID. That ID number doesn't have Part 95 certification. I don't much care if it does or doesn't or what the ramifications of that are.........I'm just writing a blog and trying to accurate. So far I can't find a different FCC ID for the radio marketed as GMRS.
Picked one of these up and gave it a good what for. Wrote my thoughts down on my blog. I have a few other ham related blogs and probably some old Short Wave content as well. https://hagensieker.com/2024/04/06/retevis-ailunce-ha1g-gmrs-radio-review/
I did a review of the Ailunce HA1G. Curious if it is okay to link to my review here. I can't find rules stating not to. But I don't want to do anything wrong. My blog has no affiliate links. No financial incentive.
Concur. Knowing the frequency will get you there. I have all manner of stuff in my Go bag as well. RTL-SDR, small shortwave radio with WX, etc. Doesn't move my needle a ton either, but I was reviewing it for my blog so I gave it a proper shake down and just wrote what I discovered. Output power was great. I could listen to a repeater 40 miles away but couldn't raise anybody. Not too surprising for a 5 watt radio (4.6 on the RPT channels) totally surrounded by trees. It's a great, open the box and use it radio.
No argument there. It is odd though that NOAA 1 on the radio is set to 000.0000 and I'll be darned if I can figure out how to change it. And there are 12 NOAA channels available in the radio. NOAA only has 7 frequencies. I think if they cleaned up the NOAA stuff in the radio I'd be hard pressed to have any issue with it.
It does stress me a little but then I haven't really given two thoughts about Weather Alerts on other radios and just know that they are there should I want to enable them. I'm retired and home most of the time and have a dedicated Midland weather radio. This all works on the HA1G, albeit weirdly. The CPS needs work. Not everything you can do on the radio can be done in the CPS. It's kind of usually the other way around. I published my blog but not sure I can link it here. It puts out 5.4 watts on Channel 16 and like 4.6 on a RPT channel. I'm keeping it.
More weather stuff. The NOAA weather implementation is not well. After digging I see that NOAA List 1 is set to 000.0000. Also there seems to be no way to change it in firmware or by the CPS. I can only find where you can select the NOAA List number in the CPS. I set mine to 2, however when you open up that menu setting 2 has the check mark next to it but the selection is on channel 1. You have to down arrow to number 2 before you hear any audio. While it is on 1 it is just static. This radio needs some NOAA love but I don't think for one minute this disqualifies it as a decent GMRS radio. Just the weather junk is buggy. And all that stuff can be fixed. And I bet most people don't care too much about it.
I bought an HA1G and am giving it a shake down for my blog. So far I've noticed two odd things. Number 1 is that when programming the Scan Lists in the CPS the "Unselect One" and "Unselect All" buttons are visible but the corresponding "Select One" and "Select All" buttons are not. They are there. You can float over the area with a mouse and see the explanation box pop up but the buttons aren't visible. Drove me nuts for a minute. Number 2 is that my NOAA weather channel is 162.400 which is NOAA channel 1. To hear my weather broadcast I have to set the radio to NOAA Channel 2. I don't know if the channels are flipped in firmware or what. Other than that this a fine little radio and I love the menus and screen layout. Will publish my review on my Tech Blog in a few days.
Thanks for all the replies! Much appreciated. Probably still going to buy a new radio though! 9 or 10 is simply not enough. John New Bern, NC KN4FMV WRJZ939
I’m at sea level surrounded by the Croatan National Forest. Tough to punch through
30 ish feet or so. RG8 coax
There is a GMRS repeater that is about 40 miles from me and I'm told the antenna is about 500'. In my yard shed / woodshed / ham shack I have a Diamond x200A antenna and a Connect Systems CS800D. My ability to hit the repeater is spotty somewhat however today someone told me that I'm hitting the repeater but it is darn near impossible to hear me over the floor noise. Forehead smack. Mic gain. Adjusted and then carried on a lengthy conversation with someone. First time ever. I put my "Farsometer" on it and am putting out about 37-38 watts at an SWR of 1.40. Also I have an adapter (N to SO239 so there may be a little loss there). I'm wondering if I grab an MTX500 or KG1000G where the tiny bump in wattage (hopefully 43 or a bit more) would make any real world difference. Also the filtering may be better on a dedicated GMRS radio. The CS800D is a VHF and UHF radio that covers the GMRS bands or at least it did when I bought some years back. Even if I've got this situation squared away, none of what I've said may stop me from buying a new radio anyway. Because that's what I do. Looking for some solid advice from those who may have been in a similar situation where you were just barely hitting a repeater. I can't really push my antenna up much further. Just wondering if a few extra watts with a straight PL-259 to SO-239 connection on a DEDICATED GMRS radio tuned to optimize output for that band of brothers will get a bump in performance. Decent performance bump or gigantic waste of money? Please don't bring up the rules on the radio I'm currently temporarily using. I'm familiar with all that.