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About SteveGibbs

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    Steven Gibbs
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  1. Hello All, We now have 22 members who have joined the South Central Tennessee GMRS club since its inception on October 26 of this year. I started the club when several contacts commented that a club would be nice so I volunteered to set up the club on myGMRS.com, however, I only wish to be involved with moderating the site. I am sure there are already members here that have much more experience with clubs of this type that can provide valuable input towards what types of activities other members would find interesting and helpful. Also, I encourage you to post (if you have not done so already) on the New Member Info page some information about yourself, interests, repeaters you monitor, etc. so we can start connecting names to the callsigns. Again, thanks for joining and promoting the club to other GMRS users, Steve WSBM 443
  2. Tyler, This sound great, lets through a time out there and I will send out a message to all the members and we can give it a try. Thanks, Steve
  3. Welcome to the Club. Steve WSBM443
  4. Please check in as you join. Name, location, etc. What repeater you usually monitor. (Steven Gibbs, live in Columbia, am able to work Thompson Station, Brentwood, Franklin 15 & 21, & Grasslands. Have a Baofeng UV-5G Plus set up as base at my desk at home and turned on often. Also have a UV-5R8W set up as a mobile in my pickup.) If we get enough interest in this club, we can make some decisions regarding meet-ups, events, etc. This site requires a premium membership to create the club. So we may have to establish a membership fee. Cost to maintain the site is just $50.00 per year so it won't be more than a few dollars. I currently am set up for 1 month to see how this goes. Thanks, Steve steve@dvdrvtravel.com
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