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Everything posted by WSAZ909

  1. I have these for interchangeable for different terrain/areas: •Midland 5/8 wave mxta-25, 5/8 wave, 3db gain, nmo •Browning 5/8 wave br-176s, 3db gain(tunable), nmo … not sure on the wave spec •Midland mxta-26, 6 db gain, (tunable), nmo probably going to get a 4 or 6” pvc pipe with bottom cap and top screw lid. for storing them in so they don’t receive damage when not in use. Just received my kg-1000g today. Weather sux today, but hope to get it in truck later this week, run wires power/antenna, and check/tune swr. I’m probably going to place my ham antenna at the back tailgate, I have left/right side mounts for ham/cb and center the gmrs mount on top of the roof.
  2. Looks like I will be using tailgate mounts for separating and reserve the roof plate for GMRS, they are the shorter type ( nmo browning br-176s, and midland mxta-25 ). I will check continuity of each for mounting grounds/connections.
  3. Understood, maki sure there is a proper grounding of each antenna for the truck to act as the plain. As far as the separation/distance is best at 4ft. I have considered mounting GMRS antennas on the roof plate, then a cb and ham antennas on opposite sides at the tailgate.
  4. To everyone that has pitched in with all the help, thank you! I am a newbie to anything but cb radio, old school. Can I mount two different gmrs antennas on that same plate and switching out to radio as needed, being are both for the same frequency use? Then mount a cb antenna on one side of the tailgate and a ham radio antenna to the other side to have all antennas/frequencies separated far enough anyway to alleviate or help with these issues?
  5. The body of my truck is all aluminum alloy. Finding ground continuity can be a challenge. Could I use some10 awg or 18awg insulated wire to accomplish this?
  6. That cable came with the NMO mount( Midland – MXTA24 Low Profile Antenna Cable with NMO Connector , https://a.co/d/2InzGkf ) It is being changed out for a different mount. Do you have a nmo mount recommendation!
  7. So, with your antenna set up, any bleed over , one into another radio when tx? A distance of 14”, but on the same plain, would be ok?
  8. What would be the least and ideal distance these antennas should be apart on a truck. I do have some optional mounts that can be placed on the fender/tailgate area. But these will not have any plane to work with.
  9. I’m intending to use this 3rd light antenna/led light mount/plate for many different antennas. (Pics below) Will this plate work as properly as a flat solid metal plate used as a plain?(as I have heard of folks using a o sheet. Next…will multiple antenna installed on this plate or a solid plate cause interference or feedback into a different radio in the same vehicle when multiple radio installed are on ion the same vehicle? UPDATE : Radios and antennas to be installed… Radios being installed: Radio 1: Abbree AR2520 https://a.aliexpress.com/_mMk93iw Antenna: Diamond Antenna SG-M507 Dual Band 144/430MHz Mobile Antenna Radio 2: Wounxun KG-1000G-plus v1 Antenna: BROWNING 450MHz-470MHz UHF 3dBd Land Mobile NMO Antenna https://a.co/d/7fqbE76 or Midland® MXTA25 3DB MicroMobile® Compatible Gain Ghost Antenna – 3.5” Tall with 1.5” Base Diameter – Low Profile GMRS NMO Connection https://a.co/d/jlFHsxJ UPDATE ON PLATE SIZE 21” left to right 10.25” front to back
  10. Will a simple on/off toggle switch inline with the positive power wire alive this power draw issue?
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