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Posts posted by kelley

  1. I have a couple of CB radio's - really only used while on the beach. It's just one of those things - better to have and not need - than need and not have.  It's a 2 edge sword - most concessional radio users will not spend the $85.00 for a GMRS license, and when they buy those bubble pack radios and they don't get any distance out of them - they give up. Thankfully ! Buy a Part 90 approved hand held radio - use it on GMRS and get several miles of clear communications.


    Every thing has it's own place. While I am on the east coast of the USA and there is cell phone coverage in most places, gas stations, 7-11's and drug dealers on almost ever corner - there are a lot of places in our country, especially out west, that you can go down a road many miles without any people or services. Colorado off of I-80 for example. When you take the dogleg into Colorado Springs off of I-80 there is a sign warning you there there are no services for the next 60 miles or so.  Only way to communicate out there is by CB radio or a passing motorist. Same thing is southern Utah, the area off the grid - no electric - no cell phones - thank God for a good 2 way radio.


    So I am just saying CB radios and their big whip antennas serve a purpose in the correct area.

    Just a quick FYI, I-80 is no not in Colorado. No worries ;)

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