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Everything posted by WSAB366

  1. Yeah, I noticed they were on the tighter side. I hard press & jiggle all my radio connections after pulling my hair out a couple times to learn this. On these, I do get the 'new device connected' sound from the laptop, so I'm sure the connection is good. I may just uninstall/reinstall the program and try again. Thanks!
  2. I just rec'd these MP-31 radios and started playing. I can't get the software to read either radio. I've tried every Com port, on both radios, from different USB-A ports on my laptop. What could I be doing wrong? I have programmed my Anytone radios, but these are my first Baofengs. I am using the cable that came with my Anytone 878 radios, and it still works with them, so I know the cable is good. Running windows11.show My Anytones connect on Com3, but these only show Com4, 5, 6, & 7. Here's what I get: (no blinking green light on any of these like I'm told should happen) Com4 - software locks up. I have to close and reopen. Com5 - "failure!" message comes up w/in 5sec. Com6 - "failure!" message comes up w/in 10sec. Com7 - software locks up. I have to close and reopen. Anybody got an idea what I can do or what I'm doing wrong? Thanks. Todd-
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