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Everything posted by PeterGunn

  1. I have 2 Abbree GMRS-9Rs. I was aware of the Channel 15 No Tx, and that there was a upgrade fix when I bought the HTs. I didn't realize it would be so hard to find a English upgrade instructional video or the files. I found the Upgrade files on the Abbree Upgrade page. My Anti-Virus blocked the download. I don't read Chinese and the video seems to skip some of the steps. I'm hoping someone has a easier solution to this problem. Thankz!! From the Abbree web page:
  2. Hi!!! Does anyone know what setting to use for a Baofeng GMRS-9R on Chirp Next? Both my GMRS-9G came with Tx Lockout on Ch #15. The Amazon listing has a video to 'FIX' the Ch 15 Tx lockout is in a foreign language I don't understand. Any help would be greatly appreciated! THANKz!!
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