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  1. Sorry MSnow, I was away for a little while. I did make the change to the simpleusb_tune_usb_23718.conf file to match your settings on the devstr=1-1.1.3:10 and rebooted but it didn't seem to fix the issue. If I disconnect the computer and hook up my mike to the DB-9 port, I can transmit and receive from both handheld and receiver .. meaning I hear on my handheld when I transmit from the receiver and I hear on the receiver when I transmit from the handheld .. so I would assume that my settings there are ok. When I launch sudo simpleusb-tune-menu I do a P to verify my settings Please enter your selection now: P Active radio interface is [usb_23718] Device String is 1-1.5:1.0 Card is 1 Rx Level currently set to 800 Tx A Level currently set to 500 Tx B Level currently set to 500 If I do an F to Flash (Toggle PTT and Tone output several times) I see the redlight on the URIx8 come on and off and hear a tone on my handheld (3xs) When I choose 2 to Set Rx Voice Level (using display) I see no input. (I can change the level .. but don't see an input) If I Toggle Echo mode, obviously nothing echoes back TIA for any advice
  2. posted in another area ... figured I might repost here So i reverted back to the RT97 image and not the RT97s image ... even though I am running a RT97s repeater. In stand alone mode (mic connected to the DB9 port) I can use the repeater. It seems to be working fine. The 97s is connected to the DB9-DB25 cable which connects to the URIx8 which is connected via USB to the pI running the ASL-1.01-myGMRS-12.18.3-latest-standard-8GB.img image I can see my repeater registered on mygmrs.com. I can reboot the repeater. I see uptime, keyups and transmission time. I can join another network and hear it confirming connection through my handheld. I just don't think I am transmitting out. When I keyup the mic, the URIx8 red light never comes on and I don't think people can hear me. My RT97 setting is CH7 - 462.7000 input/output tone of 151.4Hz. My handheld (TidRadio 8 ) setting is RX 462.7000 TX 467.7000 - QT/DQT Dec 151.4 - QT/DQT Enc 151.4 - TX Power High - W/N Wide - Busy Off - Scan add Add - TurkeyCR - Frequency hop OFF - PTT ID OFF Any Help ?
  3. So i reverted back to the RT97 image and not the RT97s image ... even though I am running a RT97s repeater. In stand alone mode (mic connected to the DB9 port) I can use the repeater. It seems to be working fine. The 97s is connected to the DB9-DB25 cable which connects to the URIx8 which is connected via USB to the pI running the ASL-1.01-myGMRS-12.18.3-latest-standard-8GB.img image I can see my repeater registered on mygmrs.com. I can reboot the repeater. I see uptime, keyups and transmission time. I can join another network and hear it confirming connection through my handheld. I just don't think I am transmitting out. When I keyup the mic, the URIx8 red light never comes on and I don't think people can hear me. My RT97 setting is CH7 - 462.7000 input/output tone of 151.4Hz. My handheld (TidRadio 8 ) setting is RX 462.7000 TX 467.7000 - QT/DQT Dec 151.4 - QT/DQT Enc 151.4 - TX Power High - W/N Wide - Busy Off - Scan add Add - TurkeyCR - Frequency hop OFF - PTT ID OFF Any Help ?
  4. Moving along .... Repeater is up and running (phase 2) ... going to set up the Pi this weekend (phase 3) .... Hopefully all will go well. Love this stuff!! Phase 1 - acquire equipment Phase 2 - get repeater up and running (antenna, repeater, etc) Phase 3 - get repeater connected to mygmrs Phase 4 - Invite some users Phase 5 - Grow the membership - Facebook, webpage, etc.
  5. I am in the same scenario. Ordered my Retevis 97S ... Ordered my URIxB from mygmrs ... then found out I need a serial cable to convert to DB-9. Now trying to find instructions on how to tie it all together. I am a long time pi user ... so I have plenty of Rasberry Pis ... will look for the disk image ... not frustrated as I find all of this fun and exciting .. My goal is to be able to put up a repeater that will tie into mygmrs for my neighborhood ... Several of us use gmrs radios .. closest tower is almost out of reach .. would like to see us be able to talk around the country using gmrs.
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