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Everything posted by WSBV762

  1. Good day 708! Please have a look at the Midland MXTA26 antenna and the NMO mount. I have it on the center of my roof on my Tuscon. It has 6 meters of coax- please do not shorten it. This antenna is tuned to GMRS and I am using a Midland MXT500 mobile radio. Whether on my car or on a steel sheet in my back yard, I am hitting my local repeater that's 14 miles away- (houses, trees, the moon, etc. are all in the way) and my SWR is less than 1.2:1 across the board. Transmitting and receiving beautifully! All the best! Dan WSBV762 https://midlandusa.com/products/micromobile-mxta26-6db-gain-whip-antenna https://midlandusa.com/products/mxta12-antenna-mag-mount?_pos=2&_psq=mount&_ss=e&_v=1.0
  2. Good day all! I'm planning a base station antenna and have been pointed to the Comet antenna as my best choice. Will be using LMR-400 coax with N-connectors. 50 feet of coax, maybe a little less. Straight run from roof gable down to basement sill where coax will enter house and travel 2.5 feet to radio. The only break in the run will be the gas lightning arrester attached to #6 copper ground to two ground rods 10 feet apart. I'm looking for input from those who have this antenna as I am taking in as much info as possible before I install it. I have attached here, the directions from Comet. Anyone agree/disagree? Thanks for your time. Dan WSBV762
  3. My eternal thanks to all for their time and advice. "See" you all on the radio. Dan WSBV762
  4. Good day all! I am brand new to GMRS and have ordered a Midland MXT 500 GMRS radio with a Midland MXT 26 Mag-Mount antenna for the roof of my Hyundai Tuscon. I have seen many videos regarding "RF Ground" and "DC Ground". One video in particular has stated that it would be very beneficial to attach a ground wire to the srew-on base of the mag-mount and screw the antenna on to the base. Then, take the ground wire and attach it to the chassis of the vehicle to provide a better ground situation. Am I over-thinking all of this or does this make sense? If the magnet to roof top alone will do the job, then I will live with that. Thanks to all for helping out the new kid on the block. Dan, WSBV762
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